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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UH chapter.

Gabe General will dance his way into your heart. His enthusiasm for life is almost as contagious as his bright smile. He never misses a beat when dressing to impress. It is no wonder why this bubbly character is this week’s Campus Cutie.

Q: Age?

A: 21

Q: Year?

A: Senior

Q: Major?

A: Biotechnology

Q: Hometown?

A: Chicago, Illinois

Q: Height?

A: 5’10”

Q: Zodiac Sign?

A: Virgo

Q: Relationship Status?

A: Taken

Q: “Who do you think would win in a fight between Spiderman and Batman?”

A: “Oh shoot that’s hard. I feel like maybe Batman, because he has more resources at his disposal. He’s like rich and everything, and he’s jacked. So yeah, Batman.

Q: “What did you have for breakfast this morning?”

A: “I had Special K cereal.”

Q: “What is your favorite Disney movie?”

A: “That one is tough. I’m going to have to go with Up. I love ‘Up.’”

Q: “What are your hobbies?”

A: “Dance. Also, I’m starting to work out a little bit more so that’s cool. But yeah, that’s pretty much it, just dance and work out.”

Q: “If you could marry a celebrity who would it be and why?”

A: “Oooo, probably Ariana Grande because she has the voice of an angel and I love her.”

Q: “What is the most amount of alcohol you have consumed in one sitting?”

A: “Oh God, are we talking about like shots? I don’t even know. There’s too many of those nights. Uh, probably like, definitely like more than 21 shots in a night, on top of other stuff. Yeah.”

Q: “What is the best dish you’re able to cook?”

A: “Uh, I could cook like a mean, I don’t know if there’s a name for it. But I grill this chicken and season it and it turns out pretty good. I make some mushrooms and onions and broccoli and vegetables and everything with it. I mean, I don’t know how to cook anything crazy really.”                                                                

Q: “Where do you see yourself in ten years?”

A: “I just want to have a stable job and be happy. I want to be happy with where I’m at and a family, of course. I want to be able to travel to a lot of places for sure. Basically just be happy.”

Q: “What was the last movie you went and saw in theatres? Was it good?”

A: “It was Jurassic World; I saw it back in the summer. It was pretty good. I think it did it justice with bringing the old themes of Jurassic park. It stayed pretty true to the plot, and the big T-Rex fight was pretty awesome, I guess.”

Q: “What is your favorite song to work out to?”

A: “Shoot, there’s too many. Honestly, just like anything hype. Sometimes I just put on EDM sets that are like an hour long.”

Q: “Do you have any tattoos? Where? If not, then why not?”

A: “I actually have four. This one right here *points to left side of his chest* is Sanskrit. It means ‘General’ which is my last name. All my cousins and my brothers, we all got it roughly at the same time. This one means ‘Ama’ *points to left forearm* which means father in really old school Tagalog. It’s for my father who passed away from cancer three or four years ago, so it’s kind of like a reminder. And then this other one is a laurel wreath *points to right forearm* and it’s a symbol of my mom and dad’s wedding ring. It’s kind of a reminder as well because what they had was something really amazing. All my family and friends would say they were really close, and that’s what love is. It’s really a reminder for me for the future, to find something like that. And the arrow *points to lower right side of forearm*, honestly, I just liked it so I decided to get it. “

Q: How would your best friend describe you?

A:  “Hopefully, good things! I would say pretty energetic. I’m very positive. I’m like a morning person and all my roommates are always like, ‘Dude your always up so early! How do you have this much energy?’ But yea, I try to work really hard, and I’m very driven.”

Q: If you could live anywhere in the world where would it be?

A: “Ooo, that’s tough, because there’s like a couple. My absolute favorite place I’ve traveled to is definitely Barcelona, Spain. Just because of the culture over there. It’s so different, like the food and the lifestyle, and just like their whole atmosphere is just crazy.”

Q: “What foods do you hate?”

A: “It’s not really like a type of food. I’m a texture person, so I don’t like anything like squishy or fat or just things like that. I don’t like that.”

Q: When customizing a pizza what toppings would you choose?

A: “Ok, a lot of people don’t like pineapples and stuff but I like pineapples, and ham. Basically, a Hawaiian/Barbeque type thing.

Q: If you could be friends with one Kardashian who would it be?

A: “I guess, Kim? Because she’s the most popular one, so I guess she’d be the most useful somehow?”

Q: Do you prefer a pretty smile or beautiful eyes?

A: “I would say smile because a smile is the first thing I notice.”

Q: If you had your own reality TV show what would it be titled?

A: “Life in General.”

Q: How did you feel when you were asked to be Campus Cutie?

A: “I was like surprised ‘cause I was like wait what’s going on? Angelica (his cousin who is a coog) told me about it. It was like super random! But I guess it’s like good exposure.  It’s pretty cool to be a part of something up and coming. It was cool.” 

"Writing means sharing. It's part of the human condition to want to share things - thoughts, ideas, opinions."