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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UH chapter.

Introducing, Corey Broady! This week’s Campus Cutie is one of a kind, to say the least. Along with his major in Business Management, he is also an aspiring designer with his own clothing line! He is a gentleman who makes everyone around him smile, and this interview will sure put a grin on your face!

Q: Age?

A: 21

Q: Year?

A: Junior

Q: Major?

A: Business Management

Q: Hometown?

A: Houston

Q: Height?

A: “I’m 5’11 and a half. Just say I’m 6 foot.”

Q: Zodiac Sign?

A: Cancer

Q: Relationship Status?

A: “I am single as f**k.”


Q: If you could be a woman for one day, what would you do?”

A: “That’s weird, but like I would probably go to some high end store, go to a women’s dressing room and look at other girls honestly.” 

Q: Do you think you’re attractive?

A: “No, not at all.” 

Q: Who is your celebrity crush and why?

A: “Gigi Hadid, because she’s really pretty. Her face is like super even, and she has like puffy cheeks that look like super childish. She has really good eyebrows, and big ears.”


Q: Describe an outfit you find super attractive on a girl.

A: “The classic denim jacket with black jeans, and some decent shoes. Maybe like, black boots or some sh*t. Or like Chelsea boots.” 

Q: What is your best talent?

A: “Designing clothes.”


Q: What was the last lie you told?

A: “When you asked me how tall I was.” 

Q: What is your perfect pizza?

A: “Pepperoni and Sausage. Wait; don’t say sausage…” 

Q: If you could be reincarnated into any animal, what would it be?

A: “I don’t wanna say a bird, because birds piss me off. But like, I would want to fly. Maybe an eagle?”


Q: On a scale of 1-10, how good do you think you are you in bed? 

A: “This is so awkward. Uh…I don’t wanna sound like an asshole, but I wanna say like an 8 or a 9 cuz’ no one’s perfect.”


Q: Would you rather be ugly and live forever, or attractive and die in a year?

A: “Ugly and live forever.”


Q: Who is your hero?

A: “That’s tough. Damn. I guess my mom. She’s my biggest inspiration.”


Q: What is your favorite lyric from a song? 

A: “Kanye West-Can’t Tell Me Nothin,’ and he says, “‘To whom much is given, much is tested.’”


Q: What was your first thought when you woke up this morning?

A: “What the f**k am I gonna wear?”


Q: Marry, smash, kill? Pocahontas, Princess Jasmine, Ariel.

A: “Kill Pocahontas, smash Jasmine, and marry Ariel so she could become a human.” 


Q: How did you feel when you were asked to be campus cutie?

A: “I thought it was pretty cool.”


"Writing means sharing. It's part of the human condition to want to share things - thoughts, ideas, opinions."