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7 Ways to Procrastinate Productively during Finals

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UH chapter.

With finals just around the corner everyone should be focusing on school, but let’s be honest Netflix and Tinder probably takes up most of our time.

What if told you there is a better way to avoid studying?

Instead of spending your time binge watching your favorite shows you could be avoiding that ten page paper while getting things done and making yourself feel like a winner.

The term “productive procrastination” sounds like a bit of an oxymoron. But if you try hard enough, avoiding your work can actually be worthwhile.

1.Clean your closet

If you’ve been meaning to go through your clothes and donate the items you no longer wear, here’s your chance. Your closet will look neater and, more importantly, you’ll have more space for new stuff.


2.Clear your e-mail inbox

You’re not sure when, why or how your inbox got out of hand, but now there are 3,264 messages asking for your attention and you can’t find anything. Take some time to clean out your inbox so you don’t trek all the way to class just to find out the professor cancelled in an e-mail.


3.Do your laundry

Laundry may be tedious but it’s not as bad as writing a 2,000 word research paper.


4.Catch up with an old friend

Life gets crazy and sometimes you forget to talk to your friends for a couple of…years. Let your loved ones know that they’re still special to you, even though you don’t talk to them every day.



The stress of college life can take a toll on your skin. Treat yo self to a little pampering and relaxation. Your face will look and feel amazing, and your pores will thank you.



Don’t skip the gym! Exercise can help stimulate the brain, making you feel smarter as well as happier and healthier.


7.Watch or read the news

It’s important to be informed, especially in this election year. The next time your professor wants to discuss current events, you’ll already have some on hand.

BreeAngela Hamilton is a senior studying print journalism and computer graphics technology at the University of Houston. She is the Managing Editor of Her Campus UH. Her favorite pastimes include watching reruns of Law & Order: SVU and listening to music at a high volume while navigating traffic. Follow her on Twitter and Instagram @breeelyse_.
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