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3 Signs Your Friendship is Toxic as Told by Mean Girls

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UH chapter.

Friends are supposed to be people that support you, have your best interest at heart, and make you laugh when you feel like crying. Friends aren’t supposed to be toxic, but they can be. These are the three signs that your friend is toxic, and I’m not referring to the Britney Spears song.





1. Negative Nancy

When you tell your friend about the new guy you just met and she automatically goes in about how he probably is a player, or he isn’t that cute, then she is a “negative Nancy”.

Those are the people that don’t want you to be happy, so they speak negative statements into your mind. They should not be in your circle of friends. This is a clear sign that they are toxic.

2. One-Sided

If you will always do things for them, but they will never do things for you unless it somehow benefits them then you are in a one-sided friendship. That kind of friendship is emotionally draining and you don’t deserve to be treated like this.

3. Second Guessing


A woman’s intuition is never wrong and that goes for all things in life. So, if you are second guessing your frienship then you are 99.999% correct. Trust yourself and don’t be scared to rid yourself of this toxic “friend.”

Year: SeniorMajor: Management-Human Resource Management TrackHobbies: the gym, long nights spent reading Pinterest quotes, Gilmore Girls, drinking black coffee, poetry, cooking, bikram yoga, changing my nail color daily, shopping at Trader Joe's, Sprouts & Whole Foods
"Writing means sharing. It's part of the human condition to want to share things - thoughts, ideas, opinions."