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When You Haven’t Checked Snapchat All Day: As Told by ‘How to Get Away With Murder’

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UGA chapter.

Snapchat allows people to be engaged in the daily lives of family, friends and celebrities. Being that the stories get deleted after 24 hours, snapchatters are conscious on checking for updates a few times throughout the day. At times, while trying to juggle life, school and work, Snapchat falls at the bottom of the to-do list. During the 23rd hour, the snapchatter then realizes that they have walked into one of the greatest modern day social media dilemmas. To help express the emotions and capture the feelings of this travesty, here are gifs from the television show How to Get Away With Murder.

When see that everyone on your Snapchat posted a story…

When you make sure you watch your SO/crush’s story, so they will know you were thinking about them…

When everyone on your Snapchat is doing this… 

But you are doing this…

When see that your SO was the first to watch your story…

When it’s been 10 minutes and your realize you “literally can’t even” anymore…

When you want to respond to a snap, but it’s been 18 hours since it was posted…

When your SO shares a coded message for you on their Snapchat story…

When 13 hours have passed and you just saw the snaps from last night…

When you just wasted 30 seconds of your life trying to read a passive aggressive Snapchat story.​..

When you see your best friend’s new SO in their Snapchat story for the first time…

When someone comes in the room and you miss an entire story.​..

When you discover friends on Snapchat are living double lives…

When you’ve already made up your mind about someone’s Snapchat story…

When you seriously contemplate deleting people from Snapchat just for the sake of time.​..

When you get through all the stories on your Snapchat without tarnishing any relationships…

When you finally decide to post your own story to Snapchat…

When you’ve finally finished watching all the stories and you can resume life as usual…