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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UGA chapter.

As politics have gotten more and more divisive, I’ve seen lots of calls-to-action on social media outlets to contact your representatives. I thought I had bookmarked a post about how to find contact information, but it must have disappeared. So, I thought I was out of luck and that the process would be really frustrating. Turns out, it’s not! Here’s a step-by-step guide to figuring out how to contact your US representatives.

Find out who your representative is.

If you don’t know, I’m not judging! Click here to find your senators and here to find your representative. From there, you should either have their contact information right there or be able to find it on their website easily.

Determine if you want to call, email, or both!

Once you have your contact information handy, you can decide which method of contact that you’re most comfortable with. Emailing is definitely easier, but calling makes more of an impact because it requires more effort.

Figure out what you want to say.

This can pretty much be the same thing for calling and emailing, but make sure you say: your name, zip code, if you want a response or not, and the issue you’re concerned about. Remember, it’s likely a congressional aide answering and listening to your call and not the actual representative. They have to answer a lot of calls from lots of different viewpoints, and it’s always nice to be nice to the intern!

Here’s a sample script: “Hi, This is name from zip code. I do/don’t need a response. I’m calling to say that issue and what you think the representative should do. Thank you.” 

Dial the phone or send the email!

I called both of my Senators and left a voice message for someone in each of their offices to review. It was easier than expected, and I feel better knowing that I literally made my voice heard!

And… that’s it! You now know how easy it is to contact your representatives, so make sure you use that right effectively! If a politician only hears positive things from people that agree with them, they’ll just keep doing what they’re doing. Make your opinion count, whether you agree with your elected officials or not!

Laura is a fourth-year Communication Studies major with a Spanish minor at UGA. She spent a semester working at Disney and can say with confidence that lovebugs are not as great as the iconic Jonas Brothers song made them out to be.