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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UGA chapter.

As we reach the middle of the semester, it’s easy to criticize yourself based on what you may or may not have accomplished. For a lot of people, new habits are implemented at the beginning of the school year but may quickly fall off from a busy workload. But just because a new month has begun, that doesn’t mean it’s too late to make changes to your lifestyle and create new habits. Here are some simple and achievable habits you can get started on now.

  • Carry a reusable water bottle with you everywhere you go. It can be difficult to force yourself to drink 8 cups of water a day, especially if you’re not the best about staying hydrated. Find a favorite bottle, or pick up a new one (Super cheap from Marshall’s or Ross!) and make it your new best friend. You’ll likely find yourself drinking more water than before.
  • Choose one day of the week, preferably one where you aren’t too busy, and make that your cleaning day. If your lifestyle doesn’t fit with a whole day, make a plan to dedicate some time every day to tidying. Even as much as fifteen minutes a day doing some sort of organization, whether that be cleaning out your car, doing laundry, or tidying your desk; can be a huge difference in your day.
  • Dedicate time to unplug. Give yourself a daily time period, whether that be fifteen minutes or an hour, where you put your phone away. Notifications are off, just take a second to remove yourself from the stress of social media. It could be as simple as making a goal to not use your phone during meals, or putting your phone in another room when you’re studying.
  • Spend less time sitting down. As a student, it can be especially easy to get caught up sitting in a classroom or studying for consecutive hours within a day. Create the habit of reducing that time by turning sitting time into productivity. Try something simple like stretching while watching TV or enjoying the time to walk and move your body between your classes.
  • Learn about something you’re interested in. Spending hours in lecture class can feel like an overwhelming amount of learning each day. Try to make the time to increase your knowledge on something you’re passionate about or have always been interested in, even if it’s not necessarily relevant. This doesn’t mean you have to start reading Astrophysics textbooks in your free time, but it can be as simple as taking time to read articles or nonfiction books, or watching documentaries and listening to podcasts you’ve been meaning to get into.
Hannah is currently a Fisheries & Wildlife major pursuing a certificate in Environmental Education. When she's not writing for Her Campus, she can usually be found watching TikToks or looking at animals somewhere.