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First Dates: Expectations vs. Reality

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UGA chapter.

Looking Good

Expectation: You expect to look your very best to the point where you can’t help but stare at yourself in the mirror and think of how lucky the guy will be to have you. 



Reality: You rush around our room, tearing it limb to limb. You’re in a desperate search for ANYTHING to wear. You wish you had done laundry the day before and borrowed your best friend’s makeup bag instead.  You rush to do our makeup and hair and scurry out the house and, instead, come outside looking like:



What he looks like

Expectation: You think your date will be the prince charming of the entire universe. He’ll have those sultry lips and chiseled features with dimples.  Every girl that passes will be jealous. 



Reality: Maybe the dim light in that bar didn’t give you the right glimpse you needed. Maybe you just imagined those dimples. In all reality it’s pretty hard to remember what your date looks like clearly. All you remember is the vague image in your mind that made him look just a little better than he does now. 




Expectation: Who doesn’t love to eat? You’re going to be so graceful with your food.



Reality: You can still eat BBQ ribs with elegance, right?




Expectation:  You imagine getting to his car and the man will get out just to open that lovely car door for you.



Reality: 3 honks in front of your house. If you don’t come out in 30 seconds, he’s going to assume you’re not coming and drive away. 




Expectation: The night is over and he walks you home. He takes you by the waist and reels you into a deep sensual kiss with just enough tongue. It’s the perfect goodbye.



Reality: The walk home is suffocating you with its awkward silences. Then you get to your door and he pounds your lips unexpectedly with a kiss and ends up making out with your whole jaw. 


A student journalist at the University of Georgia, Brittini Ray has been writing for HCUGA since fall 2011. This past spring, she became the president of Her Campus UGA. Brittini also interns for zpolitics.com. She hopes to learn more about news and the journalsim industry.   Follow Brittini on Twitter