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9 Things I Learned In My First Semester of College

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UGA chapter.

As I wrap up my first semester at UGA, I’ve taken some time to reflect on everything that I learned as I navigated the ins and outs of college and adapting to an entirely new campus life. Here is a list of some of the most important things that UGA and its students have taught me:​

1. College is hard and you’re not the best

In high school I could easily climb the ranks of my class by hardly studying and putting minimal effort into my assignments. I was used to the lack of work earning me awards. As I wrap up my first semester at UGA, I learned that the people here are as smart as you are and awards and good grades don’t come easy.

2. It’s easy to get distracted

What does come easy, however, are distractions. With all of the free time between classes it’s easy to pull up Netflix and stream a movie. Most of the time I have to keep reminding myself to work hard now and relax later.

3. Stay determined!

I wasn’t used to getting B’s and C’s in high school. Now, as a chemistry student, that’s the majority of what I get. There were countless times where I wanted to give up my dream of becoming a pharmacist. After talking with my advisor and upperclassmen, I learned how to improve from my mistakes and keep moving forward to the main goal.

4. You learn how to deal with people

There is a big gap between the emotional maturity that you have in high school and the emotional maturity in college. Sometimes friendships just aren’t meant to be and sometimes romantic relationships won’t go your way. In no way should any of these hinder you from success.

5. To get involved, you have to take the first step

Clubs aren’t going to reach out to you like they did in high school. Sure, they may hand you a flyer or two, but other than that it’s on you to show up to the meetings and communicate with the executive board!

6. It’s an opportunity to start fresh

College brings a wide variety of people together. It’s an opportunity to remake who you are. As a relatively shy girl back home, at UGA I had the chance to push myself out of my comfort zone and be more outgoing.

7. Study, study, study!

Degrees are expensive and I can’t afford to fool around. Sure, a lot of colleges are considered “party schools,” but the students there are also very serious about their grades. If you’re not studying in between your classes, then you’re probably doing something wrong.

8. But also take breaks

I learned the hard way that it’s easy to overwork yourself, especially during finals week. It’s important to take small breaks in between study sessions to make sure you’re physical and mental health aren’t at stake.

9. Have fun!

College is meant to be some of the best four (or five) years of your life. Make sure to do it right!