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8 Things You’ll Miss This Summer as a College Student (UGA Edition)

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UGA chapter.

It’s getting hectic for students at the University of Georgia as the school year comes to an end, so there is no doubt that summer is something students are looking forward to, but even through all of the excitement, there’s always those few things that will be missed while away for those few months. Here’s 8 to be exact.

1. Are you going out tonight? (a.k.a. downtown)

No matter how much you tell yourself you hate it, you still love it. Downtown or ‘dt’ will always hold some of the weirdest, craziest, regrettable, and best memories all in one.

2. Food at 2am is like cereal, it’s better late at night

Whether you need food at 2 a.m. because you were studying all night, leaving a party, or just up (because what even is a sleep schedule?), a quick adventure to your favorite late night fast food place is always a winner.

3. Alarm goes off at 9:30 a.m. …casually sleeps until 1p.m.

Your friends/roommate(s) know what kind of day/night/week you’ve had so they will let you sleep the day away if you wanted to, but at home, too much is going on under one roof so you can’t sleep, or your parents might also call you “lazy” anytime you sleep past 11a.m., and force you to get up. *rolls eyes and sighs*

4. Delusional nights in MLC with your friends

You might hate the fact that you had to pull a few all nighters just for class, but what makes it a little more bearable are your slaphappy friends and the weird conversations you guys have that make you laugh until you cry, but really it’s only because you’re tired… LOL

5. Mirror, mirror on the wall, who has the greatest closet of them all?

Whenever you don’t have something to wear, have no fear, your friend’s closet is near! Come summertime, you’ll probably need to go shopping… at least to make it until the fall.

6. That food is only in Athens…

No matter how many times you’ve had it, even if you get sick of it, sometime this summer, you’ll find yourself craving it randomly. (Whatever IT is.)

7. What do you mean I can’t catch the UGA bus here?

Walking, catching a bus, or Ubering is honestly the only way you get around campus. Driving is a rare occasion or you only have to drive short distances, so gas money isn’t a problem… until summer when you have to drive more than 3 miles to get to your destination.

8. Can I go back to college now?

You’ll realize the amount of freedom you have in college once you’re back home…

Take advantage of the time you have left of the school year and make the most of it, because soon, you’ll miss it!

"Creativity is the way I share my soul with the world." -Brene Brown| Future Broadcaster| As always...Go Dawgs! Yours Truly, V ♡