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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UGA chapter.

So you’ve suddenly got more time on your hands? Don’t we all! Here are seven things to help pass the time.

Make a new playlist

A throwback playlist? A happy playlist? A playlist of just Jonas Brothers songs? The possibilities are endless! Make a new playlist and jam out!

Call a friend you haven’t talked to in a while

Chances are, they aren’t busy right now! Give them a call and catch up while you practice social distancing!

Watch the Marvel movies in order

Disney+ here you come!

Clean out your closet

Spring cleaning at its finest!

Make a face mask

These ideas are super simple!

Do some at-home yoga

Work on your mindfulness and flexilibity!

Or try an at-home workout

The gyms are closed, but that’s not going to stop you!

As a bonus eighth thing to do: binge-read Her Campus UGA articles!

Kenzie is an education major.