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14 Things To Do On Valentine’s Day If You’re Single

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UGA chapter.

Every year, couples around the world celebrate their love on Valentine’s Day. This makes it pretty awkward for those of us without a partner, and it can be easy to feel upset or jealous. Instead of spending your day upset, here are 14 ways you can make Valentine’s Day a positive experience.

Watch that Netflix show you’ve been meaning to get to

Opening up the “My List” section can be a bit overwhelming if you’ve got a million different shows that you haven’t gotten around to yet. Go ahead and pick one and just spend the day binge-watching whatever you want.

Face masks

Look up some recipes on Pinterest and make your own face mask. Or maybe you can just buy some face masks from the store—whatever floats your boat.

Take a nice, long bath

Light some candles, use a pretty bath bomb, play some relaxing music and just take that time for yourself. 

Bake yourself cookies (or other treats)

A soft chocolate chip cookie can instantly make me feel better. Get out your pans and your ingredients and make your favorite treat, or try something new! 

Send your friends cards

It’s important to let the people in your life know that you care about them because we never really know when our last chance to do so will be. Go ahead and take a few minutes to write a card or a text to your closest friends and family.

Read a good book

Maybe one of your New Year’s Resolutions was to read more, and if you haven’t kept it up yet, it’s never too late to start! Reading a good book is such a relaxing way to spend your time, and there are so many options out there that there is something for everyone.

Have a sleepover with your other single friends

There’s really nothing better than laughing the night away with your best friends. Also, your friends are probably more reliable than a significant other would be, so cherish your friendships.

Try a new workout class

If you have always said you have wanted to try kickboxing, hot yoga, or a spin class, why not try now? These classes can be a lot of fun, and you may discover your new passion! But even if you don’t have a good time, at least you got a good workout.

Show your pet some love

Your dog/cat/bird/turtle/whatever will show you the unconditional love that a significant other may or may not. Give your pet an extra treat, or go to the pet store and pick up a special toy for them.

Buy your favorite ice cream

The overall theme of this article might as well be “treat yourself” because you absolutely are worthy of eating a delicious ice cream cone. If ice cream isn’t your jam, go get your favorite dessert and enjoy it.

Sleep. A lot.

Life can be hectic and busy, and sometimes we forget the most important aspect of taking care of ourselves—sleep.

Make a bullet journal

Writing and drawing your heart out in a journal can be therapeutic and also is a great way to be able to look back on what you’ve accomplished and how you’ve grown.

Get your nails done

Since you’re not going to have to spend money on a significant other, use that cash to treat yourself to a manicure. 

Delete your social media apps for the day

Maybe you just got over a bad breakup, or maybe looking at people in love makes you feel bad about yourself. Whatever the reason, there’s no need to subject yourself to that negativity. Even if you do not think the Valentine’s Day social media posts will affect you, we all need a break from social media from time to time. So go ahead and delete all of your social media apps and live your day without worrying about what other people are doing. Whatever posts you missed will still be there the next day.

And then, on the day after Valentine’s Day, you should go out and buy yourself some discounted chocolate, because you deserve it.

Riley is majoring in political science with an international affairs minor, and she is from Suwanee, Georgia.