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11 Things Introverts Know Too Well

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UGA chapter.

In college, being social seems to be one of the most important traits a person can have. Those who are extroverted especially thrive at a big university, which is filled with a rich variety of opportunities and people. However, for someone who is introverted, things seem a little bit more different. Here are eleven things that every introverted person has experienced:

1. Secretly feeling happy when people cancel plans

A whole night to myself!!!

2. At a party, you talk to the dog instead of talking to people

Let’s be honest: dogs are better than people.

3. Feeling annoyed when your roommate invites friends over after a long day

 *Screams internally*

4. Talking to your friends’ parents is a nightmare

How do I have a conversation with them without seeming weird???

5. Having to recite your order a thousand times before you go through the drive-thru

 “Enjoy your meal.” “Thanks, you too!”


6. People thinking you’re really mean and standoff-ish when you’re actually too shy to talk to them

“Are you mad at me?”

7. Having your earbuds in at all times so people don’t talk to you on the bus

“Please don’t sit next to me…Please don’t sit next to me”


8. The relief of being by yourself and watching Netflix for hours on weekends

Time to unwind and prepare for next week!


9. Overanalyzing every single social interaction you’ve ever had

Why did I say that???


 10. Knowing the answer in class but not raising your hand

I don’t want to speak in front of the whole class!


11. Icebreakers make you cringe  

I don’t know what to say about myself!

All GIFs courtesy of giphy.com

Photo by Julia Caesar on Unsplash.

Hi! I'm Valerie and I am currently a freshman as a Psychology major. Along with studying and stressing about upcoming exams and assignments, I spend my days binge-watching Netflix, hanging out with friends, and downing coffee like there's no tomorrow. I am the proud plant mom of a cactus named Prickly Paul and a mint named Ralph.