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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UFL chapter.

One of my first articles for Her Campus (about three years ago!) involved writing about the rise of bag charms in accessory culture. I saw back then that many celebrities started to adopt bag charms.

Knowing that fashion usually trickles down from notable figures, I predicted what would later become a major accessory trend. My experience with phone charms, however, is not as impersonal; I own several and proudly display them wherever I go!

How did phone charms originate?

According to Bellatory.com, cell phone charms first originated in Japan during the late 1990s when the mobile phone era had just begun. They are known as “keitai straps” in Japan (keitai meaning cell phone in Japanese), and they can also be called phone straps. The charms are an essential part of what is known as kawaii fashion (kawaii is Japanese for “cute”), and they can also serve practical usage for pills and medication. Phone charms are so popular that even major designer brands have made them — but at a hefty price.

Here are some different types of charms I found that you can check out if you’re interested:

Mickey charm

If you want to bring the magic of Disney with you everywhere you go, consider this cute cupcake Mickey Mouse charm. It even has an audio jack attachment that you can plug into your phone that’s meant to be both an added design and a protectant against dust. The company selling the charms also has a Minnie Mouse design, and it offers the original in different colors.

Edamame Charm

My friend actually has this edamame charm and she loves it. The charm allows you to “squeeze” the edamame beans out of the shell without them popping out. It’s great for people who need something to play with when they are nervous, and because it would be strapped to your phone, you could take it anywhere with you.

Food Charm

These phone charms look good enough to eat! (Please don’t eat or consider eating these though — we don’t want another Tide Pod epidemic.) You can buy a variety of different food charms from sellers, and the ones shown are great examples. This particular kind also doubles as stress relief “squishies.”

Sailor Moon Charm

If you were unaware, or didn’t know by now, I’m a huge Sailor Moon fanatic. It’s only natural that I have accessories to show my love for the show, and phone charms are no exception. These Sailor Moon mobile phone charms are a must-have for any Sailor Moon lover like me; I have the Princess Serenity charm, shown on top, and another version of Sailor Moon (not pictured) dangling from my phone right now. The collection is so cute that I’m thinking of adding even more!

I think phone charms will become increasingly popular as more options come out, but there are still a great variety to choose from today. Overall, they are a great way to dress up your device besides just putting on a specialized phone case, and they allow you to show even more of your personality and interests to the world.

Elena Kallergis is currently a 4th year Advertising major at the University of Florida. Her passions include ballet dancing, drawing, reading, traveling, and rock climbing. She loves flowers, cats, fashion, chocolate chip cookies, cheeseburgers, and anything to do with the color peach. Outside of class, you can either catch her eating while attempting to study or just eating in general. Follow her on Instagram @elenamika.