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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UFL chapter.

Ah, Hallmark Christmas movies. Some of us begin counting down the days until the release of the Hallmark Countdown to Christmas movie marathon before actually counting down the days until Christmas. These movies are always pretty cheesy, and the endings are so predictable, but there is something about them that just warms my heart in a way like no other. Here are some of the most important lessons I have learned during my Hallmark binge sessions.

It’s possible to adapt to any curve ball thrown your way

In the case of Hallmark Christmas movies, it’s possible to adapt to anything thrown your way. These movies often feature a character’s plans getting thrown out the window after all of his or her hard work and dedication was put into it. Through this, the character had to start again from square one and redevelop what was originally in mind to be bigger and better than before. Something we can learn from this is that we have people in our life that care for us and want us to succeed. Whether that be parents, siblings, friends, a significant other, a boss or anyone else, there are people who truly want the best for us and will be there when we need them most. We can look to them when our plans fall through because chances are our plans fell through for a reason, and the results will be better than what was originally planned with the help of loved ones.

What you think you need isn’t always what you actually need

There is always that character who has his or her eyes set on the future with a perfectly developed plan, but what might seem to be right for them is not always what is actually right. Sometimes it just takes the little things like taking a drive around town to look at Christmas lights with loved ones or making gingerbread houses while watching a classic Christmas movie to help you realize what’s most important. On the other hand, sometimes it’s the big things like a new job or moving to a new city that can clear up some of the vagueness of what is best. At times, we may think that we know exactly what we need, but what we actually need is usually a bit different and unexpected in the best way possible.

Not everything you hear is true

It’s true. Hallmark has shown us that we should focus on the positivity surrounding the festive Christmas season rather than letting anything negative get to us. Chances are, some of the crazy things you hear might just be a simple misunderstanding or exaggeration. There is always a lot of talk up in the air, but that doesn’t mean we should listen to it and believe it. Fill your plans with wholesome Christmas activities and only listen to what Santa has to say (because he is usually right) and you’ll be living your best Christmas life.

Family time is more important than your career

It is so easy to let our jobs or occupations take up all our time during the holiday season. Around this time, work picks up and we find ourselves filling our plates with more than just baking traditional stuffing and crescent rolls. I’m going to say it once and only once — jobs are not everything and schoolwork is not everything. These do not define your worth. Yes, focus on them and work hard when you can, but be sure to make time to spend with loved ones. Work is temporary and can wait. Family, on the other hand, is forever.

Everyone deserves a second chance

Maybe it’s that awkward acquaintance that you accidently bumped into at the local coffee shop or an old boss that let you go just as you were starting to enjoy your job — regardless of who you run into, everyone deserves a second chance and a second opportunity to show who they truly are. First impressions are important, but they are not everything. Sometimes it takes time to get to know someone for who they are and let their personality shine through. Spoiler alert: Hallmark movies usually feature two old friends running into each other for the first time in forever, giving each other a second chance and falling in love through the magic of the Christmas season.

Honesty is key

It is easy to find yourself in some sort of sticky situation that might end up hurting friends or coworkers, but Hallmark movies have shown us that honesty is always the right answer. When we open up to those around us and tell our story, everything else will fall into place. It is better to tell the truth of what may be occupying our minds rather than just digging the hole deeper. No situation is too sticky for honesty not to shine through.

There is always something to celebrate

Whether you are celebrating the fact that a local candle store is staying open for another few years or getting excited for the annual Christmas speed-skating festival, there is always a reason to be happy and celebrate. Christmas is a time of giving back, and nothing feels better than celebrating the achievements of what the community is pursuing. Sometimes our celebrations will not be as decked out as the ones featured in Hallmark Christmas movies, but we can still dream, right?

If you want to find love, take a trip out to your hometown and wander into a small Christmas tree farm

You can also tell the street Santa down the corner your one Christmas wish, and he will make it come true.

So, Hallmark movies are good for the soul. They teach us important life lessons and fill our hearts with nothing but Christmas cheer. Go grab your closest pals, a giant pot of hot cocoa and your favorite blanket to snuggle up and binge all the Hallmark movies. Also, be on the lookout because I’ve heard that there’s an application where you can earn $1,000 for watching 24 new Hallmark specials in 12 days. This definitely sounds like the move to me.

Lauren Reho is a second-year public relations major and French minor at the University of Florida. She loves vintage fashion, travel, and Broadway, and has a passion for promoting inclusivity and diversity in the communications industry. One day, she hopes to work in her favorite destination, New York City, and live out her true Carrie Bradshaw dreams. You can get to know her more through her Instagram and Twitter @laurenreho