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9 Things That Should Be Considered Cool

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UFL chapter.

There are so many things that are considered “cool” that aren’t actually beneficial to society or to us. We should be doing things that help other people, educating ourselves and changing our lives for the better. I’ve included a list of all the things people do that should be considered “cool” because everyone can easily do every single one of these.

1. Being kind
This one will probably be the simplest thing on this list. It requires so much more energy to be mean, spiteful and rude to others than it does to be kind. Just be kind, and others will follow suit! It should be cool to be nice and generous.

2. Voting
Voting in elections (either U.S. government or UF student government) is so incredibly important. It’s your opportunity to voice your opinion about who you want to represent you and your country (or student body). Imagine if everyone who thought his or her voice didn’t matter actually voted. Our entire country or university would change.

3. Smiling at the people who pass you
This is yet another thing that is so simple, but it could easily change someone’s day. Smile at that girl who was in your class last semester. Smile at the guy you have never spoken to before but who you pass every Tuesday and Thursday on your way to class. Smile at everyone who passes you because smiling can make someone happier, and it takes one second of your time.

4. Holding the door for the person behind you
When someone lets the door slam in my face when I’m right behind them, it’s a huge slap in the face, and it can easily ruin my day. Hold the door open for the person behind you because you never know what kind of day they’re having, and that one act of kindness can really change their attitude.

5. Reading (or doing anything) outdoors
We are so fortunate to have such a beautiful campus, and the weather has been spectacular lately. We should all be basking in the sunlight or under the trees reading a book or studying. Being outside makes me happier and calmer.

6. Being environmentally aware
This planet is the only one we have, so we should be taking better care of it. Stop littering and wait the extra minute to throw your wrapper in a garbage can. Put your gum wrapper in your backpack instead of throwing it on the ground when a trash can isn’t in sight. Love and protect our earth, and do not be afraid to be labeled a “tree hugger.”

7. Drinking more water
Water is so crucial and healthy for our bodies, but drinking eight cups of water a day (which is recommended) can sometimes seem difficult. It’s awesome to see everyone carrying reusable water bottles around campus, but we should be drinking a ton of water all the time! Pre-games should always have a water option, and it should not be weird to ask for water at the bar. Stay hydrated, and love your body.

8. Being the designated driver
Taking one for the team and driving your friends to a fun night out should definitely be considered cool. It promotes a safer way to get around when you might have slightly less than perfect judgment, and it gets rid of the risk of drunk driving (which shouldn’t ever be an option to begin with). Friend groups should appreciate the DD and rotate who drives around each night.

9. Being confident
This one is much easier said than done. Be confident and love yourself. Don’t value yourself based on what others say or think about you. You are a beautiful, intelligent and unique human being.

We should all consider things that benefit the greater good cool, and we should all be fighting to do them. Help out that person, smile when you’re walking to class and be the confident, beautiful human being you know you are deep down.

Photo credit: loxabeauty.com