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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UFL chapter.

I can already hear the groan of every reader who saw this title and thought, “Here we go with another vegetarian who wants the whole world to know about it.” Vegetarians and vegans alike enjoy talking about their eating habits because they are actively making a difference by making the decision to remove meat and animal products from their diet. This is not a call to action to stop eating meat; I simply want you all to take a moment to realize what I hear as a vegetarian almost every day.

1. “So… do you eat fish?”

No. Why would I eat fish? The definition of vegetarianism is “a person who does not eat meat, and sometimes other animal products, especially for moral, religious or health reasons.” Fish is a meat.

2. “Aren’t you hungry all the time?”

Aren’t we all hungry all the time? Amino acids are the building blocks of protein, and green veggies are full of them. My diet is full of enough protein, carbs and nutrients, so I will be just fine.

3. “Wait… you’re a vegetarian?”

Yes. I don’t just say it when it isn’t relevant or someone isn’t directly asking me. This question usually follows a request for “no meat” on my Chipotle burrito bowl.  

4. “I’m fine with you being a vegetarian as long you don’t try to get me to convert.”

I am so relieved you approve of my decision to not eat meat. I will not “convert” you to my vegetarian religion where we worship animals and sacrifice spinach. I will never try to influence you to not eat meat. I made a decision, and you can make a decision for yourself, too.

5. “I could never eat just vegetables all the time.”

I probably couldn’t eat just vegetables all the time either. There are so many different types of food out there that do not have meat, including pizza, pasta, cookies, chips, guacamole, rice and chocolate. Some people even gain weight when they become a vegetarian. It’s not as hard or restrictive as most people think it is.

6. “Meat alternatives are so gross! How do you eat that stuff?”

First of all, they are not so gross. There are so many options and recipes for meat alternatives that I could probably trick anyone into thinking they’re actually meat. Second of all, you are eating a dead animal carcass for dinner. Case in point.

7. “I could never stop eating meat. I don’t know how you do it.”To be completely honest, it takes a large amount of willpower to stop eating meat. Our society is so obsessed with meat that it is everywhere you look. It’s difficult, but it is important to me.

8. “Why did you decide to go vegetarian?”

This is probably the most loaded question someone could ask. What if I don’t provide you with an answer you would approve of? I became a vegetarian when I realized animals are beings, and it made me uncomfortable to sacrifice their lives for food when there are plenty of other options out there. Animals are adorable little creatures that I enjoy more than most people.

I didn’t intend for this article to be an attack on anyone out there who eats meat, which is a majority of people. My intent is for people to be a little more mindful when asking people questions about their preferences and beliefs. If you’re thinking about going meatless, go for it! It isn’t that hard, and if you genuinely have zero interest in being a vegetarian, that’s okay, too! Eat the foods that make you happy.

Photo credit: www.sheknows.com