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6 Reasons You Should Do Things Before You’re Ready

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UFL chapter.

“It’s not the right time yet.”

These are the words we constantly hear from others — and ourselves — that prevent us from doing what we really want to do. To justify it, we typically think to ourselves, “But I don’t want to get rejected.” However, is it better to miss out on studying abroad, landing the internship of your dreams or gaining valuable experience? We don’t think so. Here are six reasons why you should go after that goal that seems out of reach:

1. It’ll push you to actually be “ready.” If you want something enough, you’ll make it happen. You’ll rehearse that tough solo over and over again. You’ll hone your presentation skills for the interview. You’ll work extra shifts to raise the money. It doesn’t matter when the deadline is. You have way more power than you think.

2. If you succeed, it’ll be the best thing in the world… You weren’t even expecting to land that job or to find out the person you’ve been crushing on feels the same way, but life just handed you a box of chocolates!

3. …And if you don’t, it won’t be the worst. Maybe you weren’t “ready” after all. But this doesn’t mean going after your dream was a waste of time. You’ll most likely take something of value away from the experience.

4. It’ll be a learning experience. The benefits of trying and failing (or succeeding!) are almost endless. Now, you better understand the interview or application process. You may realize this opportunity wasn’t a good fit for you after all. You may even realize you have another dream to push for. When it’s all said and done, you’ll have way more confidence.

5. You’ll meet awesome new people… You’ll expand your network simply by being ambitious. You’ll meet cool people in the industry or program you’re trying to get into, and you’ll reach out to people whom you might not have otherwise.

6. …Including yourself. You’ll find that going after a dream you’re not ready for is a humbling, eye-opening experience. You’ll be changed for the better, whether you reach the goal or not. You’ll push yourself beyond what you think is possible, and you’ll learn more about yourself in the process. 

Don’t let lack of experience, low self-esteem or negativity from other people stop you from reaching for the stars. When you believe in yourself, collegiettes™, things will start to happen for you in ways you never dreamed of. Suddenly, what used to seem impossible won’t be that far out of reach. 

Jenny is a public relations major/nonprofit organization leadership minor and a junior at UF. This is her first semester working with HerCampus but has two blogs and contributes to The Independent Florida Alligator. Jenny is active on campus and is devoted to Christian Campus House, NaviGators International and Interfaith Ambassadors. She likes: tea, volunteering, journaling, yoga, photography and film editing, waffles and dancing. She dislikes: procrastinating (even though she does it all the time). Follow her twitter @jschooljen or on Facebook. Also check our her blog Rogue Gainesville.