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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCT chapter.

If you think your reality indoors is bad, could you imagine a world with no films? Never fear, Hollywood is near and has released science fiction terror over the last few decades. Are you looking for films that will eat away at your paranoia? I recommend the following!

Zombie movies represent our loved ones having metamorphosed, and their true hatred for us finally reaching the surface. They develop superhuman-like capabilities and look nothing like Edward Cullen. In fact, they are the total opposite of a Twilight film as the zombies try to eat our brains and not our hearts. Yes, these movies are super unrealistic. However, the scare of infection does mimic our fear of the Coronavirus.

I Am Legend (2007)

A sci-fi thriller where the actor-legend himself, Will Smith, plays a lonely survivor of a zombie infection in New York City. Besides the cute comfort of his German shepard, his character goes through every possible human loss imaginable. He saves his family, but is left talking to mannequins in abandoned stores and doing everything imaginable to survive until his very last breath. 

World War Z (2013)

The movie that has no ending. Everyone loves Brad Pitt, but have you seen him jump off a roof, save a little boy’s life and (did I mention) survive a plane crash? No, he is not Superman. He is a father who tries to save the “end of humanity” while zombies take over quarantined spaces and kill the healthiest people on Earth. The real questions in this film are: How did it start? And is it ever going to end? And, most importantly, should we stop working out? 

Carriers (2009)

A movie based on every plague known to mankind. The world becomes infected, overnight, and the lack of social distancing is deadly. Sounds familiar to me… Chris Pine, along with his family, must abandon everyone and all populated areas to avoid a glimpse of the deadly disease. Their masks cannot save them from the inevitable, and neither can their humanity. 

Contagion (2011)

This film has been described as the “anatomy of a global pandemic.” Globalization is at the forefront of the film, but this means nothing. Nobody on the planet understands the severity of their situation until it is too late. The panic and paranoia run deep after the unexplainable death of Gwyneth Paltrow. Fevers run high while others are immune. All of this is eerily familiar…

I know what you’re thinking: Unlike our reality, Trump is not president in this and Ramaphosa memes are not a thing. However, the human race is suffering from a deadly respiratory disease just like the one in this film.

The above films relate to massive societal trauma and the end of life as we know it, including never having another ‘Netflix and Chill’ session! Only you can decide how you spend your Coronavirus lockdown. You can watch workout videos, or you can experience the underlying fear and heat these films bring. 

Bachelor of Arts in Film, English & Media Studies I'm just a girl with the chance to write about beautiful places, people and other worldly phenomena (Desai, 2020) ?