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The Importance of Recognizing Subjectivity

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCSD chapter.

Why do we go to university? For you, was it an option to go or not to go? Is it a privilege? Or rather, a process you feel as though you have to undergo in order to be “successful”? Our answers could be vastly different, yet here we are learning at the same institution. After talking with a friend about the importance of recognizing subjectivity, I’ve grown to learn that there are so many things in life that are subjective to each individual, and it is so important to consider this before we judge others. I know this idea of subjectivity sounds obvious to recognize, but if it was so obvious then why do we judge others for their decisions? Our religious practices, academic decisions, certain personalities we bond with over others, are all judged by other members of society. 

I’ve discovered that there are many stressed-out students who are killing themselves over pre-med, pre-law, and other majors that they may not be passionate about. Worse, they are only “passionate” about their futures because it has been ingrained in their heads that this path will bring them great fortune and success. Contrastingly, I have many friends at home who decided to take a gap year or not go to college at all. Both ends of this spectrum are heavily judged by others who do not have the same vision. What many people do not take into consideration before judging is that what may work for one individual may not work for another. This does not mean that either one is correct.

I think there is such a divide between people in the present day because everyone thinks that their own values, futures, morals, and visions are superior to everybody else’s. What we have to grow to realize is that everybody’s individuality is what makes us build connections. Before we are quick to judge another person for their decisions we should work to remember that each person’s visions for life are entirely different and subjective, and these differences are what help us build relationships with one another. 

If every human had the same opinions and experiences, wouldn’t the world be so dull? When we discredit others’ opinions, lifestyles, and choices, we disallow intellectual conversations and debates that we can ultimately learn and grow from.

Tampa, FL grown. First-year at UCSD, social psych major. Lover of coffee, long drives, good music, and a race car enthusiast