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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCSD chapter.

Finally, winter quarter is about to come to an end and spring break is right around the corner. For some of us, it’s been a dreary quarter, but now it’s time to spice things up! If any of you collegiettes are looking for some fresh and exciting new hobbies, activities, or mindsets to help you transcend that winter dreariness, we’ve got a few options for you!

1. Enroll in a Rec Class

Is there a better way to get in shape, maintain a healthy lifestyle, and meet new people than by taking one of the many recreational classes offered here at UCSD? We think not! The Spring Recreation Catalog is full of a wide range of classes that will suit anyone’s taste. From intense cardio workouts to swimming to belly dancing, UCSD Recreation has it all- and for a reasonable price, too! 

2. Get Into a Routine

If you’ve been feeling like your college life has gotten a little out of hand lately, it’s time to breath and reassess your choices for the new quarter. Staying up until 3 a.m. chatting with the neighbors and heading off to that 9 a.m. class is probably not cutting it. Getting into a routine of a consistent bedtime or allotting only certain time for friends and studying is a difficult but overall beneficial way to get your life in check and maintain your sanity. 

3. Feng-Shui It Up!

Get together with your roommates and discuss switching things up in the house or apartment. Hang posters on the wall, move furniture, or even do something as small as investing in a plug-in scensy that you all agree smells amazing! These little changes can go a long way. 

4. Set Your Life to Music

Not a fan of silence? Shower to music, get ready to music, and walk to class with your headphones and your favorite song. Music does amazing things to lift your mood, and it’s hard to imagine life without it. If you are not used to playing music often, try it! Also, music is great way to connect with others, as you may realize you share similar tastes with a neighbor or a roommate.

5. Join an Organization

If you haven’t joined one of the 600 organizations we have here at UCSD, it’s a great thing to consider! There are so many organizations on campus, it’s impossible NOT to find one that sounds perfect for you.

6. Start Cooking

Actually being able to cook healthy and delicious meals is a great skill. We’re not just talking pasta and sauce or frozen meals, but real meals! There are hundreds of quick and budget friendly recipes you can try, and resources like Pinterest are fabulous for the new gourmet. 

7. Put Yourself Out There

It’s time to push those boundaries- try something entirely new or conquer a fear that you’ve been harboring. Go approach that cute guy in Sunshine Market or strike up a conversation with a stranger while waiting in line for stir-fry at Pines. If you’re afraid of heights, go climb up the rock wall in Main Gym or go hike to Potato Chip Rock and stand on it! A little risk is exciting and healthy. 

8. Get Tickets to an Event

We live in one of the largest cities in California, which means there is no shortage of concerts, festivals, and sporting events happening. Jump onto Ticketmaster or Stub Hub and grab tickets to your favorite artists’ show or Opening Day at Petco Park. There’s no better motivation than having something to set your sights on! 

We hope these were helpful collegiettes. Now, get out there and vamp up your lifestyle!