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Susan Yin/Unsplash

The 5 Study Spots You Need to Visit Come Midterms

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCSD chapter.


As students of the quarter system, it seems like we constantly have midterms to study for and ace.  Our first round of midterms has finally come to a close, and it’s hard not to look back and ask what you could have done differently.  So, how did you feel about it?  Was cramming late nights in Geisel your winning strategy, or was your studying consistent and well timed throughout? The odds are, you crammed.  There’s no shame in it, and we’ve all been there!  Surprisingly, if you just want to get the A and retain the materials studied in your short-term memory only, cramming is the way to do it.  But if you aim to actually remember the materials months and even years from now, and really learn something, a (whopping) two hours of studying per class per day is recommended.  That seems difficult, I know, so finding an appropriate study spot on campus or elsewhere is absolutely crucial.  Here are a few study spots on campus that I would recommend, especially for those tired of Geisel:

  1. The Biomedical Library: This hidden study spot is indirectly across from Gilman Parking Structure in Sixth College.  Studying here is always quiet and peaceful!
  1. Peets: The coffee shop near RIMAC is relaxing and decent to study in when you are riding solo.  
  1. Price Center, Third Floor: The third floor of PC is a prime study spot for those who don’t mind a little bit of noise.  PC is always active and student-filled, but the number of others studying around you could be great motivation.
  1. Price Center, Fourth Floor: The fourth floor of Price Center offers a study area for those who need a little distance from the noise (and most other humans).  Take a seat outside of one of the PanHellenic offices for a mellow study session. 
  1. Rooms Above the Student Center: This is a study spot for our sneakier collegiettes.  You have to make your way quietly, but the study rooms above the Student Services Center (where you get your student ID) are not a bad choice for some serious studying.  They are private and peaceful.  
My name is Kimberly Wong and I am currently a Psychology major attending UCSD. I love talking about relationships, fashion, school, and lifestyle related topics.