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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCSC chapter.

With Thanksgiving out of the way, the quarter starts to pick up the pace with finals and final projects that consume entire days. It’s easy to feel overwhelmed during this hectic time and feel like there’s no opportunities to take time for yourself. I’m definitely in the same boat. This quarter is my fourth (and hopefully last) quarter in a row taking 20 units. Not only that, but I’ve been taking at least one online course each quarter as well, so I am more than used to Zoom University. I’ve had my share of stressful days where it seems that no matter how hard I work, I still have a dizzying amount of work left to do. Days like these can leave someone feeling hopeless and extremely unmotivated, thus leading to burnout if nothing is done to break the cycle. I’m not going to pretend like I have all the answers or that burnout is something to be taken lightly, but as someone that is currently going through this right now, I can offer a few tips that help me get through the day.


Although basic, this tip is a classic for a reason. Juggling a ton of assignments and projects during an already hectic holiday season can be a nightmare, but taking some time to write down all the things you need to do can go a long way. While taking online classes this is especially helpful because it’s very easy for an assignment or two to fall through the cracks. You don’t have to go all out and start keeping a bullet journal or anything, just as long as you have a place to jot things down.

Fix your sleeping schedule. 

I know this isn’t the easiest thing to accomplish, but getting enough sleep does help. Different people have different ways of working, however, as someone who recently discovered that they’re a morning person instead of a night owl, I’d recommend trying out something new if what you’re doing now isn’t working well for you. With the days getting shorter, a few extra hours of sunlight can also make those long workdays a little more bearable.

Stock up on your favorite drinks. 

This might seem like a strange tip, but this is the one that has gotten me through more assignments than I can count. Taking a sip of your favorite tea or a nice cold drink definitely can make boring readings or never-ending research sessions more enjoyable.

Make time for yourself. 

This tip goes along with the first one, but it deserves its own bullet point. Even during your busiest days try to plan out at least half an hour to decompress. It doesn’t have to be anything special or even during a certain time of the day, just some time where you know you don’t have to worry about anything else other than taking care of yourself.

Get a creative outlet. 

Though this might seem like just another thing to add to your to-do list, having even the smallest way to distract yourself from schoolwork can help keep you grounded. This also can give you something to look forward to and keep you motivated throughout the day. A creative outlet can range from keeping a journal to baking, really anything you can enjoy in a carefree way.

It has been an exhausting year, but using tips like these can help you end the quarter with your sanity intact. The small joys can go a long way during those days where the work seems never-ending. From one overworked student to another, make sure those moments don’t get lost among all the deadlines. 

Hello! My name is Sam (she/they) and I am currently double majoring in Spanish Studies and Language Studies with a concentration in Mandarin. I love learning about other people, languages, and cultures and my guilty pleasures are coffee and astrology.