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iPhone Games to Replace Your TikTok Addiction

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCSC chapter.

I’m in fact addicted to my phone. More specifically, I am addicted to social media apps such as Twitter, TikTok, Reddit, and Instagram and this simply needs to change. Whenever I engage with these apps I can’t help but feel drained disconnected from my reality and as though time slips past me. I’ll get on TikTok at 4PM after classes and the next thing you know, it’s 7PM and I’ve been doing practically nothing for hours. 

There’s nothing inherently wrong with spending a lot of time on these apps, as many of them are designed in order to keep your interest for extended periods of time. I wouldn’t be so bothered by my social media addiction if I didn’t have so much going on because, quite frankly, the time I’m spending on these apps is time I should be spending on homework, applying to jobs, or anything else that’s even slightly more productive. 

These past few weeks, I’ve been trying to limit my time on these social media apps, and in replacement, I’ve started an addiction to something slightly better: iPhone games. Upon initial thoughts, this might seem just as bad as a social media addiction, but let me explain! Whereas social media apps simply collect your data and feed into your insecurities (pls tell me you all relate to that), iPhone games give my days slight pause, allow me to use my problem-solving skills and spend my time in a productive way where I can visually see the fruits of my labor. 

I encourage you all to think about replacing one hour of your social media time with playing an iPhone game (or any game really), and see how your progress in that game feels like a better use of your time than social media!

Here are some of my favorite games:

#1 Water Sort

In this game you are given a set of vials with mixed colors of water.Your objective is to sort the different colored water so that each vial only contains one color. It’s honestly pretty challenging, but I feel very prideful when I complete a particularly difficult level. Like most iPhone games, the levels are pretty expansive, so it’s not as though you’re going to run out of levels in a week.

#2  Solitaire 

I think everyone has gone through some sort of solitaire phase and there’s simply nothing better. Whether you’re into traditional solitaire or spider solitaire, I strongly believe that these games are both good for your brain while being so fun to play. 

#3 Candy Crush

Candy Crush is another cult classic, and another game you can lose time on. This game is great for when you’re waiting in line, on the toilet, or doing anything really. I think Candy Crush does a really good job of advancing the levels as you spend more time on the game keepint it continually interesting!

#4 *Sort of an iPhone Game* Minecraft

I must admit, I never went through a Minecraft phase, but I don’t think that takes away from how creative and fun Minecraft is. I think this game, while mostly a computer game, allows for individuals to build a unique world that only grows more beautiful and complicated the more time you put into it, and I think that process is uniquely rewarding. 

#5 *Not an iPhone Game* ToonTown Rewritten 
This is my childhood game. Previously a Disney MMO (similar to Club Penguin), this game has been recreated by dedicated fans to bring the magic back to our lonely, derelict world. Similar to Minecraft, as time goes on, you see the time you put into this game and it’s quite rewarding. If you’re looking for a way to waste time during your summer vacation, I strongly recommend this game.

My name is Ashti (she/her), I am currently an undergraduate History of Asia and the Pacific major with an Education minor at UCSC.