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The Man Bun Sweeps Isla Vista

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCSB chapter.

When the top-knot first came into fashion, we thought it was an easy way to get our hair done without looking completely disheveled. What we did not know, is that the top-knot would become the latest male fashion to date. Yes, we are talking about the “man-bun”.

You’ve seen them everywhere. Popping up all around Isla Vista is an eclectic variety of unique “man-buns”, commonly referred to as the “mun”.

Thankfully, @manbunsofUCSB has been documenting the craze, giving women who swoon for the “mun” an instagram account to obsess over. Below are some images of the hottest man-buns we’ve seen yet.

From HerCampusUCSB, we truly do thank you for sharing.



Mya McCann is a fourth year literature student in the College of Creative Studies at UCSB. She currently lives in Bangkok, Thailand and is in the business of running BKK. On the weekends you can find Mya either in the jungle or on an island. On the weekdays she studies Thai and Buddhism and teaches English to sex workers in the red light district. You can follow her adventures on IG: MyaJoy