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8 Things to Remember When Going Home for Break

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCSB chapter.

1. Parents will want to know EVERYTHING. That instagram photo from two weeks ago? You better be able to explain it.

2. You may realize that you missed your pets more than your family members.



3. This may be the only home cooked meal you get until Spring Break, enjoy it.

4. Finals are done! Don’t forget to relax.

5. Expect your friends to ask how much you party at UCSB.


6. Don’t feel bad for laying around all day, you don’t get too many chances to do that.


7. Grab all the sweatshirts and raincoats you left at home…El Nino is coming.

8. Remember you haven’t driven a car in two months, you might be a little rusty.