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The 5 People You Meet During Syllabus Week

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCSB chapter.

If there’s anything that makes the beginning of a quarter more interesting, it’s the amount of new people you meet in class. Some of these people you just seem to click with, while others. . .maybe not so much. Although you’re probably surrounded by a number of people you don’t know, some personalities seem strangely familiar. Below are some common types of people you encounter during the first few days of class. 

1. The Over Achiever- That one person who already started reading the material and tries to begin a class discussion on the first day.

2. The Planner- She has a set of highlighters in every color imaginable and marks up her syllabus and calendar accordingly. 

3. The Social Butterfly- This person walks into the room and already has 10 friends in class and makes about 5 more by the end of lecture. 

4. The Question Master- The one who not only asks every question pertaining to the syllabus, but also manages to ask the professor about his/her personal life. 

5. The Fangirl- The student who acts as if the professor is her favorite celebrity and won’t stop bragging about how much she loves him/her. 

Don’t worry, just ten weeks to go. . .and then you’ll meet five more of these types of people next quarter. 


Naomi is a fourth-year, English major and Multimedia Writing minor at UCSB. She is originally from the LA area, but aspires to someday make it in New York as a web content writer. Cats, green tea and British accents are slight obsessions of hers.
Kirby is a recent graduate from UCSB currently living in Los Angeles. As a proud Her Campus UCSB alum, she's happy to be back on the HC team covering one of her fave shows: "The Mindy Project." On any given day you can find her with her nose in a book (let's be real - it's a Kindle). In her free time, she likes petting dogs, binge-watching TV, and eating a lot of food. Find her on Instagram: @kirbynicoleb or @GirlBossEats.