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Meredith Kress-Snorkel Selfie In Ocean
Meredith Kress-Snorkel Selfie In Ocean
Meredith Kress / Her Campus
Life > Experiences

A 2025 Resolution: Time To Check Scuba Certification Off Your Bucket List

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCSB chapter.

Every New Year’s Eve, I take a moment to reflect on three things I’m grateful for from the past year and set three new goals for the one ahead. Looking back at 2024, one experience stands out: finally getting my PADI scuba diving certification. It’s a milestone I’ll never forget, and is something that has set me up for success, in terms of a job, amazing friends and an impressive hobby.

I know many people can relate when I say that a lot of my resolutions tend to fade by mid-February —though maybe that’s just a ‘me’ problem. But scuba diving? That’s an exciting resolution you can really commit to. Something with an end-goal to be proud of. Learning to scuba dive not only opens you up to new connections, discoveries, but also a lifetime of adventure. It’s truly a gift you give yourself—one that keeps giving as you continue to grow and explore for years to come.

I also can’t forget to mention that we’re in one of the best places to dive — the ocean is practically our backyard, and the Channel Islands are just a boat ride away- home to some of the most impeccable kelp forests and marine life in North America. With so many opportunities through local schools and companies around UCSB, there’s no shortage of chances to get out there and explore all this area has to offer! I absolutely can’t think of a reason not to take advantage.

Meredith Kress-Snorkel Bubbles Underwater Selfie
Meredith Kress / Her Campus

Diving Deep: An Exclusive Interview with a Certified Scuba Instructor

For those of you who have seen me behind the counter when you pick up your rental gear at Santa Barbara Aquatics, I have been lucky to learn all about diving from the experts within this company. If you completed your open water class through us, there is a great chance you had Shannon Mabry as your instructor! A UCSB alum, Shannon has been teaching scuba diving for years. I was fortunate to ask her a few questions about her passion for scuba diving and what inspired her to become an instructor.

  1. Let’s start with the obvious: why diving? How do you feel it has changed you and shaped your connections?

“I went to UCSB myself and have stayed in Santa Barbara ever since, where diving has truly become the center of all my activities and work,” Shannon says. “For me, diving allows me to turn my brain off for a moment, enter a different world, and simply observe the beauty of nature.”

2. How has your diving experience influenced your role as an instructor? What has been your biggest takeaway from teaching so far?

“It is very cool to see how many UCSB students we have taught through the different classes that Santa Barbara Aquatics offers. Our classes range anywhere from open water, advanced, rescue, or drysuit diving courses. “The beauty of it is that we get to work with students in a class they’re passionate about, and it’s a privilege to watch them grow—both in skills and confidence!” Shannon says. “During the course, you spend so much time together and really get to know each other. It’s awesome to watch the students accomplish their goals and hear about all their diving trips and excursions when they come back into the store as experts.”

3. What is it about the diving community that stands out to you? What makes it so unique compared to other groups or activities?

“All my best friends are divers. I’ve truly met all my closest friends through this hobby, and I couldn’t imagine it any other way. Even at work, we’re such a close-knit group that shares a passion for the same thing—it just brings people together. Being able to help people get certified, watch them smile as they buy their newest piece of gear they’ve been wishing for, and seeing them develop a passion throughout their growth—it’s all so rewarding. Diving is such a broad concept with so many different sectors and excursions within it; it never gets boring. There’s always a new place to dive, new nature and biodiversity to discover, and there’s always a new story to tell,” Shannon says.

4. What does the open water course look like through Santa Barbara Aquatics? What personal gear do I need to bring and how long is the course?

“For each course, you’ll be looking at two weekends: one for pool skills and the next for two days of ocean dives. We’ll do a beach dive and also head out to the Channel Islands. There’s also an eLearning portion of the class, which you’ll complete first. As for gear, we provide a wetsuit, hood, BCD, tank, and other essentials. You’ll need to bring personal items, but they must be suited for cold water conditions—meaning open-heel fins, booties, gloves, mask, and snorkel. We totally understand that there are different parts to the course and we are more than happy to answer any questions along the way!”

majors and clubs: get involved!

Once you’re a certified diver, I highly recommend checking out the UCSB Scuba and Freediving Club! It’s such a cool community, as well as the amazing staff. They organize a variety of trips, talks, social events, and opportunities to get new gear and learn from experts in the field. Additionally, there are plenty of opportunities through UCSB and the marine science majors, or any related field, to gain research experience through diving. It’s definitely worth checking out the department and using your scuba certification to advance your major. Plus, you’ll discover potential career paths and network with a ton of awesome people along the way!

2025 is all about embracing new adventures and seizing fresh opportunities. I hope to see you at the shop and out there exploring all the ocean has to offer with us!

Hi! I'm Kaylee and I am a second-year student double majoring in English and Political Science at UCSB. I am from Los Angeles but I grew up in Utrecht, the Netherlands for most of my life. I am part of the editorial team for Her Campus! My hobbies include playing the guitar, traveling, and playing field hockey.