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clear bag laid out with wallet, masks, lip gloss, and hand sanitizer
clear bag laid out with wallet, masks, lip gloss, and hand sanitizer
Original photo by lily oneal

What’s In My Bag: Concert Bag Edition

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCLA chapter.

Several Her Campus at UCLA writers have given us a look into their everyday bags. So far, we’ve heard from a psych major, a bus-econ major and an English major. As my take on this trend, I want to show what I carry not to campus, but to my second most frequented place: concerts. After attending many concerts at venues of all sizes, I believe I have perfected the art of fitting all the essentials into a 5×9 stadium-approved clear bag. Here’s the rundown of what I bring with me:

The Clear Bag Of Choice

If you are a concert frequenter (or have even attended a UCLA sports game), you know the drill with clear-bag policies. These days, most venues require your bag to be clear and within a particular size range. While each venue has different rules, and it’s good to check before you go, I have never had an issue bringing this bag. It’s big enough to fit all the necessities, while also not being too big to comfortably carry. 

Hand Sanitizer + Beauty Products

Hand sanitizer: The first thing I put into a bag, no matter where I’m going, is hand sanitizer. I’ve probably had a mini Bath and Body Works hand sanitizer on me at all times since I was 10.

Lip balm: Aquaphor is the best lip balm in my opinion, and I will never stray far from it.

Lipstick or lipgloss: Of course, I have to include beauty products for touch-ups. My lip color of choice rotates depending on my mood. This Rare Beauty lip oil in the shade Serenity is a recent pickup, and I can’t get enough of the comfortable and lightweight formula.

Powder compact: I keep a powder compact for quick fixes before snapping concert outfit pics with friends. 

hand sanitizer, lip gloss, face powder, and aquaphor lip balm
Original photo by Lily Oneal
Snacks, Etc.

Granola bar: A lot of venues don’t allow outside food to be brought in. However, if I know I’ll be waiting outside a long time for general admission or merchandise, I think it’s worth it to bring a snack. Too often I’ve left a concert and felt weak as I realized I’m still running solely off an iced coffee from the morning. If I can give one piece of concert advice, it’s to hydrate and eat enough beforehand.

Ibuprofen: As a headache prone girlie, I always have ibuprofen with me (typically in the small travel tube to save space).

Gum: Of course, it wouldn’t be a true “what’s in my bag” without the obligatory pack of gum. 

granola bar, gum and ibuprofen
Original photo by lily oneal
The Actual Essentials

Portable charger: My portable charger has saved me on numerous occasions when my phone has almost died mid show. I highly recommend this one in particular because it provides multiple charges and has a built-in charging cord. No need for carrying around a separate tangled up cord.

Wallet: With limited space in my bag, I like to carry a smaller coin purse as opposed to my normal wallet. With many venues being cashless anyways, I just need to have my debit card, driver’s license and BruinCard.

Masks: I always seem to need extra masks at concerts, either for a friend or myself when the strap breaks.

portable charger, masks, and wallet
Original photo by lily oneal
Concert Specific Items

If you’ve never been to a K-pop concert, let me introduce you to the concept of a lightstick. Each group has their own unique lightstick, which fans bring to wave during the concert. Typically, the lightsticks have bluetooth, allowing them all to sync up in the crowd and change colors. This particular lightstick is for one of my favorite groups, NCT.

nct lightstick
Original photo by lily oneal

Finally, I always make sure to leave some extra space for shoving as much concert confetti in my bag as possible. While concerts are definitely a happy place for me, they can also be exhausting. With these essentials, I can stay worry free all night. 

Lily is a third year Political Science major at UCLA from Sarasota, FL. In her free time, she loves binge-watching sitcoms, listening to music, and finding new coffee shops.