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The Love Language Of Flowers In College Apartments

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCLA chapter.

Moving into my first college apartment yielded many new trials and challenges, most notably: how on earth should I decorate it? Decorating has never been my forte (I have a lot of ideas but very little follow through) and I usually find myself in the middle of the quarter lacking adequate decorations and in a state of overall unhappiness over my living space. However, I have found the perfect solution to revitalize my home that is only a simple Trader Joe’s trip away.

I have found that my favorite way to brighten my apartment is through the simple addition of flowers as a centerpiece on my table. Flowers are the perfect decoration: inexpensive, fragrant and effortless! They transform even the dullest of spaces and draw attention away from the bare walls and pre-loved couch that currently adorn my apartment. 

Whether you prefer tulips, sunflowers, roses, daisies or peonies, there are flowers for everyone and for every occasion. Your choice in flowers can reflect the season, holiday or even just your mood. A vase, a Mason jar or even an old bottle of wine can be transformed into the ultimate centerpiece once filled with fresh flowers. 

For me, flowers are not only beautiful ways to decorate your space, but they also have become a love language of their own between me and my friends. After a long and tiring day of classes and meetings, my favorite thing to arrive home to is a fresh bouquet of flowers sitting on the kitchen table that one of my roommates has brought home. The act of giving and receiving flowers with my friends has become a unique tradition that has become central to my college experience. 

One of the most beautiful things about living with your friends in college is that they begin to feel like your family. Buying each other flowers and sustaining the tradition of keeping our vase full allows us to show our love and appreciation for one other and transforms our apartment into a loving and welcoming home. Instead of flowers only being for special occasions, they have become a symbol of love, kindness and gratitude for my friend group as well as a celebration of each other and of our friendship.

This special love language of flowers created throughout my time living with my friends is something that I will bring with me into future apartments and beyond my time in college. It is a now sacred tradition that reflects the way in which I show and share my love and appreciation for my friends. 

So, if you find that your apartment or even your dorm room is lacking comfort and warmth, brighten it up with some fresh flowers! Head to Trader Joe’s and pick out the perfect bouquet to decorate and revitalize your space. Trust me, both your apartment and your friendships will benefit from this special and lovely tradition!

Nicole is a third-year student at UCLA from Plymouth, Massachusetts pursuing an International Development Studies major and Global Health minor. She loves the beach, hiking, traveling, and coffee.