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Profile: Campus Events Commission’s Assistant Commissioner Maya Krishnan

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCLA chapter.

Behind every strong woman is even more strong women working to support and uplift each other. In the 2018-2019 school year, UCLA’s very own Campus Events Commission has been run by two powerhouse women — Alley Madison and Maya Krishnan. In this second edition of our (CEC)eries, Her Campus got the chance to catch up with 3rd year, Chicago-born Maya Krishnan — Campus Events Commission’s Assistant Commissioner. Maya is a Theater major with a Public Affairs minor and is set to graduate in 2020. 

Before obtaining this current leadership position, Maya was a member of CEC’s Films & Festivals Staff. As a member of the Commission myself, I have been able to see all that Maya has accomplished firsthand. With her positive attitude, active personality and unwavering dedication to CEC, Maya has and continues to prove the power of female leadership.

Her Campus: What initially drew you to Campus Events Commission and how did you get your start in this organization?

Maya Krishnan: I was initially drawn to the people in Campus Events Commission. I applied not really knowing much about the club, but once I got to understand the people and the events, my passion grew and I began to put more of my time into the club. 

I’ve always loved film. And the Films staffers that I got to work with all have a unique niche for why they love [film] — be it film reviews, the business of film or filmmaking; that’s where I got my start. My excitement to collaborate with others, and the ability to share that with UCLA allowed me to be passionate about bringing films to students on campus. In turn, I really do appreciate the people I get to work with, and the opportunities I get to bring and work on.

HC: What made you want to take on the role of Assistant Commissioner?

MK: Like I mentioned above, I really liked the CEC community and I wanted to collaborate with and understand the people more, so I decided to be the Assistant Commissioner. I’ve gotten to meet cool people and organize amazing events, with a staff who I really do appreciate, and I think that’s why I applied for this position.

HC: What are some of the responsibilities that you hold in your position?

MK: Personally, I see my job as facilitating large and small duties within the commission in order to bring people together to function as a cohesive whole. My specific duties are to organize CEC’s social body, such as planning all-staff events. The commission is pretty big, so Alley and I really work together to understand and do whatever is best for the commission. Honestly, Alley does a lot and I’m there to support and help her, as she is there for me too.

HC: What is the best part of your job, and conversely, the challenges or limitations of your position?

MK: The best part of my job is getting to know each individual that is a part of CEC. I really like to get to know people through talking and listening to others. I’ve gotten to meet people who I love to work with, or people who will be my friends for life. I also love helping others; but, in CEC, when I help others, others always help me in return, and I am privileged for that.

I think the challenges and limitations of my position are that I have a bunch of people dependent on me. I need to prioritize communication on top of academics, school and life, which is a lot to manage. But honestly, collaborating and communicating with my fellow coworkers makes this job so much easier, and makes these limitations and challenges lesser.

HC: What is the best part about being in CEC?

MK: My favorite things about CEC are the people I get to work with, and the events I get to create. As I said above, the people are super unique, and I’m privileged to work with them. And the amount of liberty I get for the projects I work on, that I am also passionate about, is another privilege that makes me love CEC more.

HC: What has it meant to you to work at the head of CEC with another female leader (Campus Events Commissioner, Alley Madison)?

MK: It’s amazing working with another female leader. I mean, we have our challenges, but we always have each other’s back.  We always seek to understand and listen to each other, even though we have differing opinions. That’s why I madly respect working with Alley.

HC: What has your leadership role in CEC taught you about yourself?

MK: It has taught me a lot. It has taught me that I’m an honest person. It has taught me that I love collaboration. It has taught me that the minds of others are only great when together. It has taught me how to better communicate with others. It has also taught me how to listen and understand others more.

HC: What are you most looking forward to seeing CEC accomplish in the remainder of this school year?

MK: I’m excited to see the student-lead projects and events. We have a lot of unique and passionate people that create events and make art that represents an underrepresented student body at UCLA. And I’m excited to attend these free events. I do like free things.

HC: What advice would you give to students who are interested in joining CEC? 

MK: I would say to anybody who wants to join CEC, “What are you passionate about or interested in?” And if your answer falls in any of our eight departments, then I would say apply. See if you like the people, and also see if your interests can turn into passion, or if your passion can grow into something more.

On behalf of Her Campus, we would like to thank Maya Krishnan and the women of CEC that work tirelessly to bring diverse and inclusive content and events to campus. I am personally very grateful to be a part of a commission with a strong female voice. We are all looking forward to seeing Maya’s positive impact that she will undoubtedly leave at UCLA. 

Alissa is a fourth year Sociology major at UCLA, with focuses in Communications and Film studies. She is also a member of UCLA's Campus Events Commission, which works to put on large-scale entertainment events on campus. Alissa is a lover of all-things entertainment. Her hobbies include binge-watching the latest television dramas, fine-tuning her spotify algorithm and live-tweeting events around LA!
Her Campus at UCLA is a proud Elite Level Chapter in the Her Campus. Our team consists of talented writers, content creators, photographers, designers, event planners and more! Follow us @HerCampusUCLA and check out HerCampus.com/school/UCLA for more articles! Feel free to contact us at hc.ucla@hercampus.com for any questions.