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It’s Okay For People To Come And Go In Your Life

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCLA chapter.

It’s the end of another school year and for some the end of a chapter. Summer is on the horizon, and students are scattering. Some are going back to their hometowns, some are staying in Los Angeles and some are traveling all over the world. 

The long summer season is an interesting period and especially so for those who have graduated. Sometimes the end of college means saying goodbye to some of the people you’ve met over the past four years. One reason may be that you guys are moving away from each other. Another may be because working life will keep you guys too busy to interact.

Of course, there are friendships that stand through the test of time and distance, but more likely than not, you’ll probably lose contact with some of your college buds — and that’s okay.

Not every relationship is meant to last forever. People show up in your life for a reason, but their impact may only last for a short period of time. You can still look fondly on those memories with that person and still be grateful for the time you had with them.

Other times, you may have to let go of a college relationship because it’s one-sided. Maybe you’re constantly initiating, and it seems like you’re putting in more effort. Sometimes that’s a cause for confrontation, and other times, especially for friends you’re not as close to, it may be a sign to move on and let go. In this new chapter of life, and in all the chapters moving forward, you deserve people who’ll put the effort into the relationship.

Of course, it’s sad to lose contact with some of your old friends, but remember that this isn’t your fault and that it’s a natural part of life. Don’t forget about the people who are still in your life, and cherish the time you have with them. As you move on to life after undergrad, you’ll also have the opportunity to meet a lot more people.

The future ahead of us may look uncertain, but there is nothing to fear. Embrace this next chapter of your life, and hold on to those who are still by your side.

Louise is a junior double majoring in English and Economics. She loves reading contemporary fiction and making Spotify playlists.