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I Need It to Be Summer: 6 Ways to Make Midterm and Finals Studying That Much Easier

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCLA chapter.

The final push. May is arguably one of the worst months to be a college student, especially for those that are on the quarter system. From midterms, to projects, to club socials, to internship or summer preparations, to final exams, the last month of school can only be described as hectic. And I don’t know about you, but I’m getting a little burnt out from the constant grind. Because of this, my friends and I have begun to plan outings and study breaks that beat burnout and allow us to enjoy the final weeks of the quarter.

Day trips

One of these plans is short day trips. Whether that’s driving an hour away to a local hiking spot, having a picnic at a nearby park, or going to the beach and dinner afterwards, a day trip honestly cures all. For college students in Los Angeles, a simple trip to Catalina Island (where the ferry is free) or Laguna Beach can make a longer study break much more worth it and fun.

Weekday/night Excursions

But what about during the week? Well, a simple sunset walk or ice cream run also can interrupt monotonous studying. For me, I went to a local beach and walked with a friend to catch the sunset, and it took only two hours out of my day. While it may seem hard to coordinate an entire day or weekend getaway, even two or three hours off campus can help mitigate the worst burnout or quickly-disappearing motivation, leaving you refreshed and ready to hit the books again. 

Coffee shop studying

For those that can’t get out of studying, a change of scenery may be desperately needed. For me, I have found that working in a coffee shop allows me to be more productive (sometimes more than if I was in the library), and romanticize my study sesh. Some of my favorite Westwood coffee shops include Upside Down, Alfred, and Espresso Profeta, which usually have great coffee and plenty of seating. 

Meals with friends

Arguably one of the easiest ways to take a break from school work and socialize is getting a meal with friends. Whether that’s going to one of the dining halls or restaurants in your college town, I have found that even thirty minute lunches have been so helpful in breaking up the grind and actually lessens my procrastination. 

Explore your college town

While this could also include doing a little day trip, some of my favorite college memories have been exploring Westwood and LA. For some it may be hiking in the Hollywood Hills or shopping in Westwood. Especially in big cities like LA, there is always something to do, and I think a lot of us forget that. So, next time you are feeling stuck, maybe take a trip to your local bookstore or visit a clothing pop up. You never know what you will find. 

Anna Schultz-Friends On Hike
Anna Schultz / Her Campus
make a bucket list

You may think that bucket lists are reserved for middle and high schoolers, but making a bucket list of fun things to do each quarter is a fun way to feel more productive and take breaks from studying. Not only does crossing things off a to-do list spike dopamine in the brain (which is good), it also can be a way to bond with college friends before you may not see them during the summer. Some of the things I had on my bucket list were to go to the UCLA daygers, hike in LA, and check out a new restaurant.  

Being a college student, while it is super fun and busy, is hard. From having to create your own daily routine, to solidifying your study habits, to constantly studying for exams or writing essays, it’s easy to get burnt out. However, I have found that the busier you are, the more productive you will be and the less you will procrastinate. It is so common for college students to experience burnout and lack motivation, but, at least in my opinion, the less pressure you put on yourself to constantly be perfect and the more time you spend offline and outdoors will make school that much easier. So, the next time you aren’t feeling great about school, consider rallying a group of friends to go on a hike or check out a new coffee shop.

Calina is a second year Communication Studies major and Global Studies minor at UCLA from Santa Cruz, California. In her free time, she enjoys reading, traveling, going to the beach, exploring new places, and spending time with friends.