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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCLA chapter.

Knowing your zodiac, birth chart, and big three are all tools that many people use to analyze personality. However, the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator aka MBTI (a quiz you can take here) is different and backed with science

By utilizing psychology, a short self-analysis quiz categorizes you into four letters that make up one out of 16 unique personality types. This shows you which people you are compatible with, and it allows you to understand yourself a little better.

The Basics

The 16 four-letter combinations vary as follows: The first letter will be an I (introvert) or an E (extrovert). The second letter is N (intuition) or S (sensing). The third letter is F (feeling) or T (thinking). The fourth letter is P (perceiving) or J (judging). 

By answering every question honestly (EMPHASIS on honestly), you will receive an in-depth analysis of who you truly are. 

Recognize Your Strengths + Weaknesses

Kellyn Simpkin-Strong Girl Back One Arm
Kellyn Simpkin / Her Campus

If you answered the questions HONESTLY, then the test will provide a breakdown of your strengths and weaknesses. The possibilities range from vastly different types of people, from the INFP “Mediator” to the completely opposite ENTJ “Commander.” 

After taking the test, it should tell you some of your strengths and weaknesses; you will likely recognize them in yourself. By learning this, you can you can understand areas of improvement, so you can get to the point of saying “I’m so successful” (just like Ariana Grande).

It can even recommend jobs that can lead to higher life satisfaction.


Now for the most interesting part, how MBTI examines compatibility. I admit I was very skeptical about how a short internet quiz could possibly tell me who I would get along with, but boy was I in for a surprise.

During my senior year of high school, my friends and I were bored. My friend, Kaylee, pulled out a “compatibility” chart that was made up of the different MBTIs. After that, we asked practically everyone we knew to take the quiz. To my surprise, the chart was scarily accurate. 

Coincidence or not, most of my closest friends are all in the “dark green zone” or in the “It’s Got a Good Chance” region. However, the people that I tended to not get along with the best were deemed in the “red zone” or “Uh-Oh, Think This One Through.” This shows that some types of people simply clash; there doesn’t have to be jealousy or “beef” between people if this happens. 

In the early stages of a relationship, whether a platonic or romantic one, consider asking the other person what their MBTI is. I mean, who knows! It might save you some hassle. Use this information as you wish.

Take the quiz

Thank you for reading. If I’ve asked you to take an MBTI quiz before, you probably understand the reasoning. If you haven’t already taken the quiz, take it here!

Danielle is a second-year from Temecula, CA. Her articles range from sharing interviews with influential figures, discussing the ups and downs of being a young woman in LA, and spreading positive energy through diverse stories! Happy reading!