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8 things to consider when you graduate from College

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCLA chapter.


As a current 4th Year with college graduation less than 1 month away, the final moments of being a college student are starting to become bittersweet. While trying to keep up with the remainder of my last classes that I will ever take as an undergrad, I have to say it’s kind of exciting yet frightening. I’m sure many of the current seniors feel me on this one. Most of our thoughts are either plagued with the many possibilities after graduation. For example, they’re either set for graduate school or gap year, or getting a job. Or that slight fear of possibly not doing well out there in the real world. Nevertheless, life is a learning process and there’s never a textbook to tell you what to expect in the “adult” world.


Just consider these 8 things when you graduate and look at it in a broader perspective.


1.  Your first job may not even relate to your major.

 I know, sounds appalling right? We worked 4(or 5 for some) years at our University to get a job correlating to our major and graduate with a degree. But like in any starting position – we need to start somewhere and you have to be open and don’t be picky! We got to pay the bills.


2.  Being an adult comes with loads of paperwork.

   Bills, Bills, Bills. Like the Destiny’s Child song, not only we got to pay our bills but other paper work like the yearly 401K, loans, etc. So save and spend wisely!


3.  Treat an email like it matters.

I know my English Professors have told me to email them professionally – why? Well think about it, it’s the level of professionalism and you don’t want to sound too comfortable especially reaching out to a job/career you want and not sound impressive. This is one of the basics. If you haven’t even thought of that then start now. And don’t forget to check your grammar, sometimes employer’s can get very nit picky.


4.  Take risks.

 In anything you do, taking risks is a big decision. Other’s may vouch for the safety of the possibility of giving up something like a good paying job for a career you’ve always wanted but is unsure how that might turn out. And you know what? You’ll never know until you try. Now, I’m not saying take risks all the time but just consider it when you have a great opportunity that you feel it might never come by.


5.  Don’t put off your college loans. EVER.

I’m sure every college student has loans and it’s a no-no to not pay it back. Why? Well, it might come back to haunt you and it will never go away. Paying them back will.


6.  Don’t be ancient (work ethic and tech wise)

Don’t be a dinosaur and think all the things you’ve learn have made you qualified. ‘Cus often times that’s wrong. Technology is vastly growing each day and there are many tasks. If you don’t continue to learn your career will become obsolete and might hurt you.


7.  Don’t cut to many connections.

 I’m sure you’ve encountered someone that shouldn’t be in your life. Friendship wise. Well, it’s not bad but just keep in mind that person might have the connections to your future career goal. So try not to end on bitter terms. 


8.  Drake was right.

Started from the bottom now where here! Yes, like what Drake says, you are going to start from the bottom. And you know what? That’s totally Okay! Just put your pride and high expectations aside and get valuable experience. Keep in mind a first or second job is not permanent – it builds experience and work. Just be patient and take it one step at a time.


Welp seniors, Welcome to the real world! And remember Bruins; we can take on anything as long as we put our minds to it! Tout est possible!

#Bruin born, Bruin Bred, Bruins ’til the day we’re dead.



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