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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCLA chapter.

A quote I saw once said, “Don’t be in such a rush to figure everything out. Embrace the unknown and let your life surprise you.” I totally agree, but embracing the unknown is easier said than done. I am a person who craves to be in control of what happens in my life, so it is difficult for me to be okay with not knowing what is going to happen. Here are seven things that I have learned to try to embrace and accept the unknown:  

Radical acceptance

Radical acceptance is accepting reality for how it is no matter the circumstances. It does not mean you have to like the state of uncertainty you are in or what has happened to you, but you are accepting and realizing that you cannot change the circumstances at the moment and that is okay. Whatever will happen is in the future and all you need to focus is on the present moment. Once you accept reality how it is, it will help you to observe and cope with all the feelings and emotions that come up without repressing them.

Practice mindfulness

Something I have really struggled with when I’m in a place of uncertainty is staying present and in the moment. It is difficult to stay focused when my mind is in several different directions all at once. One thing that has really helped me is practicing mindfulness, which is being aware and sensing what you are feeling in your body in the present moment. There are so many great step-by-step meditations that will help you stay mindful and aware, like the Calm App, Headspace, or even through a quick YouTube search. Even if it is just for a few minutes, doing a mindfulness exercise is a good way to destress and stay present.

 Stay active

Moving your body in any type of exercise is such a great way to cope with any circumstance that comes up in your life. It keeps your mind busy and distracted while also doing something healthy and beneficial to your body. Personally, I have found going on walks and yoga to be extremely helpful when I am super anxious. Going on a short walk and just listening to music instantly makes me feel better and less stressed. It doesn’t have to be a super intense workout, just anything where you are moving your body is good enough.

Make a to-do list

It sounds like a simple task, but making a list is so helpful in keeping yourself focused and in a routine, which is necessary when you are anxious and overwhelmed. Make a to-do list of things that you want to get done, even small tasks like making your bed or washing the dishes. This will keep you on a schedule and make you feel accomplished even if you are extremely worried and stressed about a future event or situation. When you are having trouble focusing, having everything you need to do in front of you will motivate you and keep you busy.

Cope ahead for all the different possibilities that could happen

I tend to always want to plan for my future. Even throughout high school, I always wanted to know what college I would go to, what I would do after graduation, etc. Even in college, I worry about what I will do and where I will go after I get my degree and go off into the world. However, I can now prepare and cope with the different possibilities that could happen in the future. Whatever happens, I know I will be okay and I have the strength and support I need no matter where life takes me.

Write down/remember the things you are grateful for

When the pandemic started it was difficult for me to be grateful or see what was happening as a positive in my life. Everything seemed unclear in the world and truthfully, it still is. When you are scared of what is to come, remember what and who you are grateful for. You could make a list or even just picture the things in your mind. When you think of all the things you are grateful for, it can help you see that there are good things in your life. It can be difficult to see that when all you are faced with is negative news, but the good things are there; you just have to remember them.

Realize that nothing is more important than your mental/physical health

It may sound obvious, but it is a seriously important point to remember. When you do not know what is going to happen in life, taking care of yourself is your top priority. If that means not getting perfect grades and taking a step back from some of your work, that is okay. You do not need to be perfect all the time. It’s okay to take a break if you feel like you need to.

Throughout life, we never know what is truly going to happen, but there are ways that you can prepare yourself and cope with the things to come, like staying active or being mindful. Whatever happens will happen. The only thing you can do is stay present and aware of your emotions so whatever happens, you will be ready and able to handle it.

Caitlyn studied at UCLA where she majored in English and minored in film. She loves writing about all things lifestyle and entertainment related. When she is not writing articles, she loves going to hot yoga, reading, and binge-watching One Tree Hill for the hundredth time!
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