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5 (Non-School Related) Super Cool Things I’ve Gotten To Do Because I Go To UCLA

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCLA chapter.

I can safely say that moving to LA for school has quite literally changed my life in so many ways. Stepping out of my comfort zone has allowed me to experience so many cool things that I never would’ve otherwise. Though I could likely go on and on about the ways in which being here has impacted me, here are just a few super cool things I’ve gotten to do because I go to UCLA:

Live The Fangirl Dream

This could probably be a whole article in itself, but if you are a fan of anything really, LA is the place to be. Anytime there’s a tour, special event, pop-up store, etc., there’s a very high chance it will take place here. On top of the many concerts I’ve gotten to go to, I’ve also:

  • Played a game with my favorite K-Pop group (which was filmed for a YouTube show). After winning the game, I was given food prepared by them as a prize (truly an insane experience).
  • Attended an album release party.
  • Watched a live interview.
  • Watched K-Pop groups perform (for free) on campus. 

Honestly, when you’re here, you never know when an opportunity will arise. 

Elevate My Style

UCLA (and Los Angeles) is incredibly diverse in aesthetics. Honestly, the contrast between this area and my hometown is pretty stark. I love how open-minded people are here. You can safely try out any trends you want and you don’t really have to worry about people judging you. Because of this, I definitely have felt safer in trying new things, which has consequently boosted my confidence. 

Secure A Unique Internship 

Right now, I’m interning in fashion and beauty PR, a field I didn’t know existed until I did my interview. There are a lot of opportunities you can only get if you are located in a big city. To do something even remotely related to fashion and entertainment has been such a fun and educational opportunity.

Hit All The Cute Cafes

This one is slightly unserious but also kind of serious. The vibes of studying (or uh, scrolling on my phone) at a cafe with an iced latte in hand can’t be beat. Back home, we don’t really have cutesy cafes (Panera is my only option honestly). As a coffee connoisseur and lover of cute, aesthetic things, I love finding new hyped spots (which you’ll find ranked in this and this article). 

two cups of iced coffee
Photo by lily oneal
Meet Amazing Friends

Not to get sappy, but I’m gonna get a little sappy. There are so many different kinds of people here that you are guaranteed to find people that like what you like. When you don’t live in a big city, this isn’t always the case. I’m so grateful to have people that will buy last minute concert tickets with me or go on a hunt for the latest Sonny Angel release. It just makes all the difference to find people on your same wavelength. 

This wasn’t meant to be an article to sell you on UCLA, but it might have unintentionally become one. If I can leave you with one message, it’s to step out of your usual surroundings. I will say this time and time, but very little that is worthwhile happens within one’s comfort zone.

Lily is a third year Political Science major at UCLA from Sarasota, FL. In her free time, she loves binge-watching sitcoms, listening to music, and finding new coffee shops.