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Zendaya Proves She’s #Flawless Once Again

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCF chapter.

Zendaya Coleman has been my style icon for a couple seasons now because of her immaculate color sense, pattern choices, and her ability to never be afraid to step out of the box!  Even with the chameleon-like ability to transform herself style-wise, what I love the most about Zendaya, 19, is that she never forgets to put on her confidence after stepping into her Givenchy stilettos.  On her hit Disney television show “K.C. Undercover” Zendaya plays a math whiz turned spy and she makes it a point to tell young girls everywhere that they can be the same in real life if they want to.  Zendaya is not just a fashion maven but also an burst of inspiration to those younger, and older than her.  Zendaya proved once again that she is flawless inside and out when Modeliste magazine published drastically retouched photos of her gorgeous and healthy body and made her look much thinner than she is.  Zendaya took the time to post an explanation on Instagram:



“Had a new shoot come out today and was shocked when I found my 19 year old hips and torso quite manipulated. These are the things that make women self conscious, that create the unrealistic ideals of beauty that we have.  Anyone who knows who I am knows I stand for honest and pure self love. So I took it upon myself to release the real pic (right side) and I love it.  Thank you @modelistemagazine for pulling down the images and fixing this retouch issue.” – @zendaya 


The picture above shows the retouched photo (left) and the original (right).  Today’s teens are even more susceptible to scrutiny about their body image due to those hidden behind keyboards on various social media sites, but Zendaya showed us again how real she is and how much she loves herself just the way she is.  Zendaya’s confidence resonated with me and reminded me to love myself all day, everyday – curves or no curves.  Hopefully her message speaks the same truth to all girls and reminds us to be fierce in the skin that we’re in!






Hailing from Miami, by way of Jamaica, Taylor is an island-turned-city girl who loves the beach, yoga, reading (Her Campus) and writing (for Her Campus)!  A lover of fashion and fun, Taylor often uses her ensembles to become characters she thinks up and incorporates them into her writing.  Her favorite novel is The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho and her favorite city is Paris.  
UCF Contributor