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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCF chapter.

As a marketing major, I was never that invested in what course I took to fulfill my social foundation for UCF — I didn’t really even know what sociology was when I first got to college, and a quick Google search led me to the conclusion that I didn’t need to know. I opted to take Intro to Psychology my first semester and never would’ve thought twice about it if it wasn’t for my minor, Mass Culture and Collective Behavior, which falls under the Sociology department. The title of this article says enough, but I’m so glad I ended up having to take Intro to Sociology and other specific classes through this department, and I highly recommend everyone do the same.

Sociology is the study of society and social institutions. You might feel like you know enough already about society and how it operates just by living day-to-day, but sociology offers an extension of this prior knowledge that will leave you thinking about the true institutions we’ve built our lives around. Regardless of your major, you’ll learn about information often relevant to your own life through theories and concepts you may have never considered before. It specifically defines common phenomena seen throughout society, allowing students in these classes to gain a deeper awareness of how prevalent societal issues can and will directly or indirectly impact them.

Intro to Sociology is also just a place to start; UCF offers so many courses targeted at different specific phenomena and how sociology defines them. For example, Environment and Society is one of my favorite courses I’ve taken during my time at UCF. Not only does this course allow for discussion of how we impact the planet and surrounding habitats, but it also considers how the environment impacts us and our decisions, like where we live or what we eat. If that doesn’t interest you, there are so many other options. UCF specifically offers courses ranging from Sociology of Happiness to Women in Contemporary Society and even brings in various interests through courses like Video Games in Society and Social Issues in Film. There’s at least one course that is likely to pique your interest, so consider adding one while building your schedule. It’ll teach you at least one new concept or further define a theory you already had ideas about, and you’ll recognize how you’re able to apply this information to your own life, which is always one of the best takeaways from a course!

Maggie is a junior at University of Central Florida studying Marketing with a minor in Mass Culture and Collective Behavior. She is an avid lover of coffee, cats, and indie music, and you’ll often find her reading at a local coffee shop, exploring Orlando, or going on spontaneous road trips with her friends.