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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCF chapter.

I think we all have that one special thing in our life that we love with all of our heart. We’ve invested so much of our time loving this one thing to the point where we couldn’t imagine life without it. Whatever this thing may be, it brings us an overwhelming amount of joy. It never disappoints us, and it never fails to make our day.

For me, that thing is a person. In fact, it’s multiple people because my friends and family really are that great. For you, and for many other people, that thing is a music group or artist, a hobby, or food. It’s your favorite person, or your favorite show, movie, or book. It can be a cause you believe in or maybe even a club or group that you’re a part of. Regardless of what that thing is, we’re elated about its existence, and we’re undoubtedly grateful to have it in our lives.

But even though we all have this one thing that we love with all of our heart, we at times feel insecure about being open about loving it. We either dial back our excitement whenever it’s brought up and ignore the fact that we’re bursting with joy on the inside about it. Or, if we manage to share this undying love to whoever is willing to listen, we apologize for being “extra” or annoying or coming off as overly passionate.

When we ask ourselves why we love what we love, a lot of the times it’s because we relate to it or we align our identities with it. We love a music group or artist not only because we’re a fan of their songs, but also because we appreciate that they’re hardworking and dedicated to what they do. We love our favorite food, shows, movies, or books because of the joy that they bring us. We love a person because we respect and admire who they are and how they carry themselves. We love the club or group that we’re a part of because we believe in its goals and objectives. Put simply, we love what we love because it makes us happy, so why on earth should we feel bad or apologize for that?

What we love is a reflection of who we are, and who we love is a reflection of what we want to be. Whatever this thing may be, it undoubtedly makes our lives better, and in some cases, this one thing makes us want to be better. If we love something, we shouldn’t feel shame in sharing it. If we love someone, it’s important to let them know. There’s something beautiful and admirable about not only choosing to love, but also sharing that love with others– unapologetically. There’s a great deal of positivity and happiness that comes from the love that we feel and the love that we share, so why waste this life not loving?

Photo Credit: Cover, 1

Kristen is a third year student at the University of Central Florida enjoying her senior year of college and serves as Senior Editor of HCUCF. She is studying human communication and marketing and is pursuing a certificate in public and professional writing. Kristen’s passions include writing, photography, and painting. When she is not creating something new, Kristen often finds herself listening to her extensive set of playlists on Spotify, watching Parks and Recreation, or ordering from the kid’s section at Chick-Fil-A. She enjoys watching the sunset, spending time with her friends, and eating ice cream.
UCF Contributor