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What I Learned From Being a Bridesmaid

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCF chapter.

Leading up to the bride’s big day, bridesmaids should do their best to support her and relieve some of her stress.  If you’ve never been a bridesmaid before and you want to be the best you can be, read ahead to get some tips. From my personal experience, I learned three important things about being a bridesmaid.

Avoid Stressing the Bride Out

Prior to her big day, the bride will be double-checking the details of the wedding. If you can take over a task so she won’t have to stress about it, do it!  It can be as simple as calling guests to see if they’re still attending the wedding. That’s one less thing the bride has to stress about.

Of course, there are other tasks bridesmaids can take care of such as decorating for the wedding, creating party favors and having extra bobby pins for the bride’s hair. On the day of my sister’s wedding, I took on the task of picking up her phone when the wedding planner called about important things. Since my sister was in the middle of posing for pictures before the wedding, I knew it would be a major help to her.

Communication is Key

On the day of the wedding, it’s vital that everyone who plays a part in the wedding communicates. To make sure the bride and groom don’t see each other before the wedding, the bridesmaids, groomsmen, and, if necessary, the wedding planner, must have conversations. 

In addition to that, bridesmaids have the duty of making sure everything is going smooth on the day of the wedding. The bride will already be emotional and stressed since it’s her big day, so if something goes wrong, step up and make sure it’s taken care of. Like I said earlier, you want to avoid adding extra stress to the bride.

Do Your Assigned Tasks

Typically, the bride will ask for help if she’s feeling overwhelmed by the tasks that come with wedding planning. If she asks you to take care of one of them, complete them and do so in a timely manner. After all, she’s asking you for a reason. There may even be times when she won’t necessarily ask for help even though she’s overwhelmed.  In that case, volunteer to be a helping hand. Everything you help the bride with will reduce her stress.   

On the bride’s wedding day, it should be positive, stress-free and smooth, so as a bridesmaid, you want to do your best to take care of both major and minor things that may lead to more stress for the bride. You don’t have to do it by yourself either, because you have the other bridesmaids to collaborate with to complete different tasks that emerge. The bride asked you to be a bridesmaid because she trusts you to be there for her, so do that throughout the wedding process. In the end, it will benefit the bride and she’ll be appreciative of all your help.

Images: 123, 4 taken by the author

Deanna is a senior majoring in English Creative Writing at UCF along with an Editing and Publishing certificate. After graduation, she plans to pursue an editorial career. When she's not writing or studying, she loves singing, listening to music, and watching scary movies.
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