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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCF chapter.

Imagine being home from an hour-long workout, showered and ready to do homework by 8 a.m. Sound impossible? Then this article is for you.

Create a Habit

One of the best pieces of advice about self-improvement is to fully embody the goal you’re trying to achieve, even if you’re just getting started. So, when getting into the habit of waking up early, start calling yourself “a morning person.” If it’s your first day waking up at 8 a.m. compared to your usual 10:30 a.m., you are now a morning person. This way, you will trick your brain into taking on the persona of someone who is happy and productive in the early hours of the day.

Have an Accountability Buddy

You’ve probably already heard the advice to find a friend who will keep you in check with your goals, but oh boy, is it helpful! The amount of days I would have gone back to sleep at 6 a.m. if I didn’t know that my roommate was sitting in our living room waiting for me to go to the gym with her is too many to count. Find a friend who is willing to meet you at the gym, park, coffee shop or wherever else you want to spend your early mornings. Knowing that someone is relying on you will be just enough motivation to get you out of bed.

Use a Smart Alarm

No one ACTUALLY likes being woken up from their deep slumber by a harsh, jarring alarm. Luckily, we have technology that makes waking up a bit easier. One of my favorites is an app called Sleep Cycle. Sleep Cycle tracks your movements and wakes you up during a set 30-minute period at the time that you’re in your lightest stage of sleep. This way, you can wake up less groggy and more energized. Another great app is Alarmy, which lets you set missions in order to turn your alarm off. For those stubborn bed-lovers, having a puzzle or picture mission just may be the trick to prevent “snoozing.”

Have a Plan

Have a set plan of what you want to do once you wake up. Want to wake up at 5:30 a.m.? Plan to leave for the gym by 6 a.m. If I don’t keep up the momentum in the morning, I’ll crawl right back into bed. Specifically, leaving my apartment physically prevents me from falling back to sleep. I recommend heading to the gym, a coffee shop or a yoga class soon after waking up.

Waking up early can truly improve your life. Getting those dreaded tasks like working out and completing homework assignments DONE as soon as possible prevents procrastination and improves self-confidence. If you decide you want to be a morning person, take these tips to change your habits and become one!

Anna is currently a senior at UCF studying marketing and psychology. When she isn't writing, she loves all things Fall, astronomy, and Taco Bell. Her dream is to move to Iceland with her pet chameleon.
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