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Spring Break: Expectations vs. Reality

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCF chapter.

Spring Break can be the most over exaggerated break ever. A majority of us don’t actually go on a cruise or travel every tropical island in the short week we have off. If you do, well I’m jealous, because my Spring Break is spent quite differently and if you’re reading this, yours probably is too.

The expectations vs reality of spring break…

Spring Break body?

Did you actually work out that whole midterm week for that “Spring Break Body”, or did you not find time because you were drowning in tests…hmm…because the biggest work out I had that week was walking to and from my kitchen.

Q: What even is a spring break body?

A: The same one I’ve had the last nineteen years. Nothing ever changes for one week off of school.

Catching waves or catching up on sleep?

Definitely the second one. Take full advantage of sleeping in until noon with no shame. Maybe you’ll become a surfer over summer. Stay hopeful. 

Beach Days?

You really should throw some in if you can, but you know you’ll make it seem like it was way cooler than it actually was when you upload it to Instagram. To your dismay, Selena Gomez, James Franco, and the cast of Spring Breakers didn’t show up.

Kissed by the sun?

More like the sun threw up all over your fair skin and fried you. Wear Sunscreen because you’re not getting the perfect bronze you think you are by avoiding wearing it. You will regret that burn later.


You’re not in your hometown raging with your graduating class, who would even want to. You’re sitting on the couch with your mom drinking lots of wine and watching Dance Moms.

Have a great, safe, spring break. I hope it’s relaxing that’s what breaks are for. 

Gabby is a senior advertising and public relations major who loves Taylor Swift, iced coffee, anything that sparkles, and writing. Her favorite fictional character is Jenna Rink from 13 Going on 30, because she plans to be a "big time magazine editor" one day. Gabby is the the president and editor-in-chief of Her Campus at UCF and a contributing blogger for the Huffington Post. When she isn't writing (which isn't very often), you'll always find Gabby sitting front row of every UCF football game, at Starbucks, or watching re-runs of "Friends." She's got a fascination with New York City, and aspires to work in digital journalism. Follow Gabby on social media if you're interested in the commentary of an average 20-something, food, and the more-than-occassional selfie. Twitter / Instagram / Pinterest
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