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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCF chapter.

Contrary to popular belief, organization is not a trait, it is a skill that can be attained and perfected. When I was younger, I somehow must have been taught or observed this skill, because as soon as I meet someone, that is the first thing they notice about me. Now for some, the organization knack doesn’t come as easy, so I would like to share my top tried and true hacks for getting on top of your work whether in school or just in life.


If you don’t already have a planner, get one ASAP, because it is close to impossible to be organized without one. I won’t spend too much time on it because it is pretty self explanatory. It helps keep track of all your homework, tests, and meetings.

2. Color Coded Notes

This one can be super helpful if used right. When I was younger, I thought color coding notes meant using different highlighters when highlighting quotes, dates and vocab. I realized instead of making my life easier, it actually complicated my studying, because I could never remember why it was highlighted a certain way or its purpose. Now that I am in college, I have switched over to a way easier method. I just use one color per class, but in every color I have a pen, highlighter and post-its. I use the highlighter to make vocab and important information stand out. The pen is when I write homework and due dates for that class in my planner and lastly you will learn about the post-its in my next tip.

3. Take Instagrammable Notes

When I take notes, I really like making them the most organized and clean, so when I study I am not overwhelmed. I do this by actually reading BEFORE the lecture. This makes class much less painful because as I read at home I take meaningful notes. Then when I get to class I can listen to the teacher further explain the concepts. Now this is where the post-its come in. As I listen to the lecture, if I hear any important information not in my notes, I will jot it down on a post-it and stick it in my notes around the same topic. However, this only works if you take the necessary concepts from the textbook. If not, this will most likely be just taking all your notes on post-its. This is useful when the post-it are just filled with supplementary information from the lecturer.

4. Post-it Memory Board

This is probably my favorite hack I discovered this year. I have a strange obsession with post-its so when my mom sent me a bunch in the mail I just had to put them to use. On my desk I have a shelf where I organize books but now I also make like a post-it/task line. On post-its I write down tasks I have to accomplish, and stick them in priority order on the shelf. As I finish a task, I rip it off and I feel accomplished!

5. Wall Clipboard Calendar

I incorporated this tip when I moved into my dorm, and I’m so glad I figured this out because it’s useful and can be super cute! I bought a cute clipboard and printed a monthly Calendar and stuck it on. This is so nice because I have all my meetings and events laid out right in front of me. I don’t use this for homework or tests that are in the planner. This is more for events and meetings I need to remember.

Here is a link to the Free Printable Calender I used for this tip: http://www.shortstopdesigns.com/2017/06/30/2018-printable-calendar/

6. Plan a Planning Day

This one seems kinda silly, but it is essential to being organized. I find many people stop using their planners mid-way through the semester because they forget to use them. That is why every Sunday I sit and check all my homework and test due the next week. That way I am prepared for the week. Sometimes I like to plan out two weeks in advance so on Sunday I don’t have any surprise assignments that are due Monday.

I hope these tips are helpful but remember you don’t have to incorporate them all at once!




Laura is currently a Senior at the University of Central Florida studying Business and Professional Communication. She loves everything to do with organization and trying to keep her life on track. She is a coffee addict thanks to her Colombian roots. When she is not studying she enjoys playing with makeup and obsessivley shopping for home decor. 
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