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No Weddings & A Funeral

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCF chapter.

This past week, in my family communication class, the discussion of weddings and funerals were brought up.  The chatter of the excitement and happiness of weddings filled the room.  I decided to speak up and state that I have yet to go to a wedding.  This brought a huge gasp through out the classroom, even my teacher stood there in shock.  The gasps continued when I stated how I have been to many funerals and have experienced more deaths than any person my age should be familiar with.  Unfortunately, most of the funerals I have been to are either of family members or friends under the age of 25.


Losing family and friends is one of the hardest things anyone has to experience, and it never gets easier. The number one thing I can recommend when dealing with a loss is to remember that you are never alone.  Take advantage of the hundreds of friends you have.  Bond with your family and reminisce all of the incredible memories you have with the person who has passed.  No matter the circumstances, this person lived and you were a part of their life in one-way or another.  Celebrate that.

I lost two of my best friends when I was 12 and 17 years old.  They were my grandparents, and I cannot tell you how hard it was dealing with their passing.  To this day I still struggle with the fact I will never have them back in my life.  They did not see me graduate from high school and they won’t see me get married, but everyday I somehow incorporate them in my life.  Whether it is sharing a funny story with a friend, or using a valuable lesson I learned (The Three C’s- communicate, cooperate, and always be considerate), it has felt great to tell my friends about the two incredible people that impacted my life at such a young age. Looking back, I definitely wish I allowed my friends to be there for me when I needed them the most.  I was in such a state of shock and confusion that I kept to myself about it, and it wasn’t healthy.  There are always friends there with sympathy and love, but you don’t realize how nice it is to sit and cry and laugh with the people that surround you with love at the moment.  Grab your best listener, your class clown, and your cuddle-buddy, and spend the day with them; it will be the worst and best feeling all at once. 

Losing many family members over the past years has been the hardest thing, but losing friends who are my same age and who I group up with, is disgustingly heart wrenching.  To think that they were in college, at home, planning their future, dating my friend, playing basketball with me the next day, is the scariest thought alive.  Why would a teenager, somebody in their 20’s, somebody moving away from home for the first time, be taken from the world so early?  I am sure many of you have sadly also experienced losing friends, and it is never easy to handle or believe.  Many of my high school and college friends have passed away due to drunk driving, car accidents, or some sudden misfortune that is hard to fathom.  Take into consideration of how many friends that person had in their life, and how many friends you have to bond with, and I am sure you will appreciate each other’s presence more and more everyday and create lasting memories.

I hope most of you are unfamiliar with these feelings and experiences, as nobody should have to go through it, but if you have, remember who you are and remember whom you have in your life.  Death is inevitable, but celebrating life is something we can do everyday.  Take advantage of the experiences offered, and live everyday to the fullest (to a safe extent of course).  Be there for your friends, call your grandparents, and shoot your mom a text.  Enjoy every moment, of everyday, with everyone.