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New Year, New You: How UCF Can Help With Your Resolutions

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCF chapter.

Happy New Year everyone! As we all begrudgingly begin a new semester, it is easy to abandon those resolutions we made for 2016 and settle back into our old habits. Completing goals we set for ourselves is hard enough, but it becomes even harder when we are blasted with the ever loving jokes about our university, U Can’t Finish (not such a great confidence boost, ya feel). Although it seems like UCF doesn’t want you to finish your degree, this year our school can help you finish your New Year’s resolutions! Here is a list of common college student resolutions and the programs on campus that can help you achieve all of your goals for 2016.

1)      Better Grades

After the complete downward spiral of some students GPA last semester, now is the time to start fresh and get those grades on track. This is definitely easier said than done, but maybe the new year means being in classes you like better, or finding new study methods.  UCF offers lots of ways to help with this studious resolution if you go over to the Student Academic Resource Center in Howard Phillips Hall. From time management workshops to FREE tutoring, SARC is devoted to student success by providing academic support through its various programs. Click below to find out about all of the services SARC has to offer.



2)      Exercise

Exercise is enormously important to the well-being of all, and at UCF we are lucky enough to have such beautiful facilities to use (part of the movie “Sydney White” starring Amanda Bynes was filmed in our gym!  #amandaplease). I know for myself, it is hard to be motivated about exercise unless I have someone to suffer through the pain with me. Let’s be honest, misery loves company. Going to a group exercise class may be something to add to your gym schedule for 2016. There are a variety of classes you can take at the RWC from Kickboxing to Cardio Dance Hype in large studio settings or there are even options for small group and personal training. For more information about group exercise, and a link to class sign ups, click below!



3)      Stop Bad Habits

Old habits die hard, especially if you are dealing with addictive substances or any other unhealthy practice. Tobacco, drugs, and even alcohol tend to be more of a problem in our demographic when it comes to addiction than one may think. According to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, the use of addictive substances is almost 10% higher in 18-22 year olds in college than same-age peers not in college. Not only do these bad habits hurt your body, but they are also incredibly harsh on your wallet. Think about all the money you could be saving if you stopped your dependence on some of these substances and put it towards something you really needed (you know, like tuition maybe?) . Our university is once again looking out for us by providing resources to help overcome some of these habits along with other programs for whatever else you may be looking to manage health-wise.



4)      Manage Stress

Although it is a new year we all still have to deal with old stressors. You could go for the classic problem solvers that I usually use, like waiting until the last second to do everything and napping for several hours a day to avoid all human contact, or maybe you are looking for some actual help. I found a couple of programs on the UCF Wellness and Health Promotion Services website that would be beneficial to any student looking for ways to de-stress and even manage anxiety. First, The Relaxation Training Program is a six-session program where you work one-on-one with a Biofeedback Counselor to learn relaxations skills by analyzing your body’s responses to stress. This program costs $10 per session but it can be immensely helpful to anyone with ongoing stress problems or chronic health conditions. If you need a more immediate stress-reliever, Wellness and Health Promotion Services offers Relaxation Stations at various locations around campus. These stations use the HeartMath Inner Balance App to help students be less reactive, think clearly, and make good decisions whenever and where ever they need it. Information on these services and more can be found at the link below.



5)      Get a Job

Maybe this year you are resolving to reach some professional goals. UCF Career Services is here to help you along the way! From showing you how to write a resume to even hosting Career Expos to find a job, Career Services can be a treasure chest of possibilities for 2016. If you are a little overwhelmed to start your post-grad development, maybe start by attending one of the multiple workshops put on by their office. A good place to begin would be at the aptly named “Getting Started: Experimental Learning” workshop that is held a couple of times a month by Career Services to teach students how to gain experience related to their major while in school. The first one this semester will be held on January 21st at 11am in the Career Services and Experimental Learning building, room 115. Take a look around their website to see what programs or tools may be useful to you.



6)      Be Involved

One of the easiest things students could change this year is just to get involved at school and take advantage of all of the great opportunities UCF provides for us. With the new year comes so much potential for new beginnings and you never know what you may find (for instance, Her Campus UCF is looking for new writers *wink wink*).  If anything, try all of these other resolutions and see where they may lead you! Whatever you choose, remember that resolutions are all about making you happier with yourself, so do not run yourself ragged trying to be something you are not.

Zoe is a junior at UCF studying Radio and Television with a minor in Business while she waits for her long lost grandmother to tell her she is actually the Princess of Genovia. She loves musicals, photography, waterskiing, and tricking people into thinking she is well rounded. In her spare time, you can find her speed walking around campus attempting to dodge as many longboards as possible. Follow her on Instagram or Twitter @causeimazoe if you're interested in learning about her oh so advenurous life.
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