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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCF chapter.

As Hispanic Heritage Month nears an end on October 15, we continue to celebrate our Latino pride and culture. This month, we’ve reflected on many influential Hispanic-Americans and their impact on our world and in our lives. As I was thinking of influential Latina ladies in my life, it was very clear to me who I wanted to write about before this month ended: my mom. 

My mom is my very best friend and I’m incredibly lucky to be able to have such an open, communicative and strong friendship as well as a mother-daughter relationship with her—something I know not everyone has. My mom is also known for her inspiring life advice. If I’m ever stuck on something, I know I can count on her words of wisdom to help me through whatever I’m going through. Just as she helps me through life, I wanted to use my platform to spread her words to anyone that needs to be impacted by her kind and nurturing soul. Here is some of her impactful advice she’s given me throughout my nineteen years of life:  

 “Todo tiene solution, menos la muerte.”

Everything has a solution, except death.

Sometimes in life, we tend to stress ourselves out whether it be from school, family, or personal issues. I have the tendency to spiral into a nervous wreck once I start overloading my brain with everything I need to be working on or from worrying about schoolwork. I snowball from a normal amount of worrying into a state of anxiety, but then my mom reminds me that there is ALWAYS a solution to an issue. Stressing yourself out only harms your health. It’s important to take a deep breath, evaluate your problem and find all the options on how to tackle it. If something is bothering you, don’t forget to put you and your health first.

“Diviertate y disfruta la vida que no vas a tener esta edad otra vez.”

Enjoy life because you won’t be this age again.

Sometimes we tend to overwork ourselves to the point where we don’t give ourselves a pit stop to breathe. Life doesn’t stop for anybody, so take chances, be daring and embrace spontaneity! Be responsible for your work and goals, but never forget to have fun. As my mom said, we’re only ever our age once. 

“Siempre sea tù y ten confianza en ti misma.”

Always be yourself and be confident in yourself.

Know your values and stick to what you believe no matter what, don’t let outside people change who you are. You will get to where you want to go; you need to not only know yourself, but to trust yourself too. Your self-love and self-drive are what will help you continuously grow as a person in many areas of your life and simply grow as a whole throughout life. 

“Recuerda que en la vida no hay nada gratis, except el amor de tus padres. Prepárate para que te rompan el corazón, en este mundo los amigos fallan y los amores tambien. Es parte de crecer.”

Remember that nothing is free in life, except your parents’ love. Prepare for your heart to be broken, in this world people you love as partners or as friends will fail you. It’s part of growing up.

My parents always remind me that they will always have my back without any fine print, conditions or exceptions. Friends and partners are beautiful relationships you build throughout life, but you will eventually experience the pains of betrayal at one point of your life from people. My parents remind me even if we disagree on something or argue they will always be there for their children.

“Todos los años subes un escalon, son pocos años de esfuerzo para un buen futuro.”

Every year you will take another step upwards in the staircase of life, it’s only a couple years of hard work for a good future.

When I was a kid, my mom would draw a step of stairs with a little figure walking up. She reminded me that with every year that passes, you are one step closer to where you’re supposed to be because you grow more and more with your experiences and your knowledge. She told me if you work hard for a couple of years, your hard work will pay off, and your future will be great. I will always carry her wisdom and kindness with me throughout my life as I climb up the stairway of life. 

Gracias por siempre consejarme Mami, te amo con todo mi vida!

Images: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

Sabrina is an Emerging Media, Character Animation major at UCF! She fills her life with the arts and hopes to expand her knowledge every single day. Eventually she hopes to work at an animation studio and create colorful award winning films. When she isn't drawing she's dancing while listening to her records, redecorating her room, revamping her Spotify playlists, or fulfilling the endless possibilities for her life! If you want to check out her art journey on becoming an animator follow her art account on Instagram @sabvart ! And if you want to check out her life on a more personal note, check out her Instagram & Twitter both at @sabrinavega_ !
UCF Contributor