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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCF chapter.

I enjoy being busy. I strive to stimulate my mind and keep it moving, making sure I never get bored. However, I know that breaks are important and free time is incredibly valuable.

This is an open letter to anyone learning to balance their busy life.


The free time I have is split between three things: homework, politics and friends. To anyone who knows me (and has seen my Instagram feed), friendships are a large part of my life. When I am not working, interning or going to class, I am spending quality time with my friends.

My friends keep me balanced. We have a good time and adventure around Orlando. They are a source of comfort to me, making me laugh hysterically or listening to my worries.


My friends always “fit into my schedule.” If I am busy one day, I will propose to hang out another. If they can’t hang out one week, there is always the next. Friendships are valuable and my schedule will never get in the way of that.

Homework, Work and Internships

Education is a priority for me. Sometimes I have to cancel plans to finish homework assignments or get ahead in class to relieve stress later…and I’m beginning to realize that is okay. If I want to dedicate a whole day to doing homework, that is also okay.

I am learning to understand that I can ask for time off if I have too much homework. School comes first and most employers understand that; keep your mental health a priority.


Also, internships are valuable, and not just for academic credit. They give me time with my passions, allowing them to grow and learn what works best for me.


Sometimes you have to skip class to rally at the Florida Capitol. Other times, you have to call out of work to attend a summit in the nation’s capital. Granted, this does not apply to everyone. It is simply a metaphor for understanding why I fight for my passions and making sacrifices for them. For example, I may need to go into work on a Sunday morning for a couple of hours to meet my ten-hour minimum.


Don’t feel bad about these times you take off. You know why you do it and the results are incredibly rewarding. Pride yourself in all that you do and remember these moments.

Mental Health

Most importantly, never forget about your mental health. Sometimes I do, but I get back to a good place. You have to learn what works best for you.

Ultimately, it comes down to prioritizing. Those parts of your life that are important to you should be done first. Other times, watching Netflix for a couple of hours should be done first.

It is all a balance.

Yes, I live a busy life. Yes, I do it to myself. I don’t want to sit around and do nothing, but there are also times when that is exactly what I should be doing.

I am always learning to balance my life and there are times when it is really easy and others when it’s not. It is a journey, but one that I am grateful to have.

Images: 1, 2, 3, 4 provided by the author

Monique is a student studying Advertising/Public Relations with a minor in Political Science at the University of Central Florida. She avidly enjoys reading, writing, and being with friends and family. She is part of several organizations on campus that are helping her promote positive change and unleash her creativity.
UCF Contributor