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An Insider’s Guide to UCF Panhellenic Spring Fling

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCF chapter.

Picture this, you walk into a room of absolute strangers, totally lost, and looking for your sisters. Well, all I have to say is, welcome to UCF Panhellenic’s “Spring Fling.”

Two years ago, I was headed back home for my first college winter break. My first semester at UCF had been fine, I made some friends and got straight “A’s,” but coming back home made me realize something was missing. All through middle and high school, I had a strong group of girl friends that I could go to anything for, and I realized that I needed that support system in college.

It was then that I registered for UCF Panhellenic’s Spring Recruitment, which would be happening officially for the first time as soon as school started again. I spent the rest of my winter break shopping for recruitment outfits, looking at different chapters’ Instagram accounts, and finding out all I could about this whole “Spring Fling” deal.

The only problem was, this was “informal” recruitment, and there was NOTHING online about what that actually entailed. What can I expect during spring recruitment? What do I say? Where do I go? WHAT DO I WEAR? Luckily for me, I ended up in a chapter full of girls I love, despite being totally blindsided by what “Spring Fling” really was, and luckily for you, I’m here now to give you the low down on going through informal recruitment.


Spring Fling is a meet and greet event with the entire Panhellenic Council to kick off Spring Informal Recruitment. While “informal recruitment” sounds a little strange, let me tell you this, one night of making small talk with friendly girls during informal recruitment is a whole lot easier than the formal recruitment equivalent (it’s called UCF Day, AKA a two day marathon around Greek Park in 100 degree heat with a 100% chance of self-loathing).


Spring Fling this year will be held in the Pegasus Ballroom at the Student Union on Tuesday, January 19th, from 6:30-9:30 p.m. You do not have to stay for the entire time, however, I encourage you to arrive early to ensure that you maximize on your time. 


Each chapter in the Panhellenic Council at UCF will be present at Spring Fling. There are 12 in total, Alpha Delta Pi, Alpha Epsilon Phi, Alpha Xi Delta, Chi Omega, Delta Delta Delta, Delta Zeta, Gamma Phi Beta, Kappa Alpha Theta, Kappa Delta, Kappa Kappa Gamma, Pi Beta Phi, and Zeta Tau Alpha. Each chapter will have representatives eager to talk to you once you arrive. Keep in mind, however, that while every chapter will be present at Spring Fling, not all of them will be taking new members.


Once you arrive, you will check in with one of the Panhellenic Council Executive Board officers. These are the people overseeing the event, so if you have any last second questions about what you are getting yourself into, these are good people to ask. From there, you are essentially on your own. Each Panhellenic chapter will have tables stationed around the Pegasus Ballroom. You are free to roam around as you please and meet each of the chapters. Now, this is where the “informal” part of Spring Recruitment comes into play. Unlike Formal Recruitment in the fall, where hundreds of women are running around attempting to meet dozens of sorority girls in mere minutes like some strange friendship speed dating, you are fully in control of where you go, when you go, and who you talk to. This freedom , while it sounds like a luxury, comes with a terrible repercussion. You may have to actually initiate conversation with someone. I know, I KNOW, but if I can do it so can you. Remember, all these girls were once in your shoes and they know how nerve-racking recruitment can be.


Something that the UCF Panhellenic Council prides itself on is something called “values based recruitment.” Values based recruitment is exactly what it sounds like, the idea that you are choosing a chapter that aligns with your personal values over any other factor. With this in mind, do a little self reflection before Spring Fling. Why are you going through recruitment? What are you hoping to get out of your sorority experience? What are some things that are important to you? Once you have answered those for yourself, find ways to work them into conversation with chapters during Spring Fling. For example, someone may ask you what your major is, or why you decided to attend UCF. If academics are very important to you, and you respond saying that you are a budding chemical engineer hoping to change the world, listen to their responses to determine if they are passionate about the same types of ideals as you are.


During Spring Fling, some chapters will be handing out information about open house events while others will be doing invite only events. This may be due to a number of reasons, so do not feel offended if you are not extended an explicit invitation to a chapter event.  Everything after Spring Fling is up to the digression of the individual chapters, so if you are interested in a particular chapter, make sure you ask about any upcoming events they have that week for recruitment. The week following Spring Fling gives you the opportunity to learn more about each individual chapter within the Panhellenic Council. You do not have to attend every event you are invited to, although I would suggest going to as many as you are comfortable with. First impressions can be tough, so do not write off a chapter after only one conversation.


So there you have it, an official run-down of the event that has the potential to change your college career, and the rest of your life. Naturally it is okay to be nervous, but that is the best thing about Spring Informal Recruitment, you are in control of your recruitment experience. Two years ago, when I went to Spring Fling, I almost did not make it into the room because I was so scared. But I did, and here I am now, on the other side, to make sure you do the same. There is absolutely nothing to be afraid of, so GO, have fun, talk to people, and learn all about the amazing support system of women I get to surround myself with everyday.

P.S. I would wear jeans and a nice top if I were you. Nothing too fancy, but the Pegasus Ballroom is absolutely freezing.


Still have not registered for Spring Fling? Visit www.ucfspringfling2016.splashthat.com to secure your spot today!

UCF Contributor