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I Never Thought I’d Be A Heartbreaker

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCF chapter.

Growing up, I was always the one girl with the conservative clothing and glasses that rarely said anything to anyone. Surprisingly, I was also the one girl who almost always chased the boys. Hate to admit it, but it’s true. Sometimes I still do. Unfortunately, it wasn’t until my third year of college that I realized I was someone worth pursuing. 

Of course, being someone worth pursuing comes with the consequence of serving as the heartbreaker in certain situations. As much as I hate having to take on that role sometimes, it’s also somewhat surprising to realize that I have the potential to actually be a heartbreaker to someone else. If you’re like me, then you’ll know exactly what I mean when I say that finding love is like walking through a crowded sidewalk with a bunch of strangers. No one really gives you the time of day, but you do to everyone else who passes you by. You feel like you’re completely invisible, but you’re also guilty of looking around trying to find just one other person to look your way…For once. 

Perhaps you’re the kind of person who’s known your worth since the day you were born. Not only were you chased by potential partners, but you also had the power to accept or reject their offers. 

Or maybe you’re someone like me. In that case, you probably won’t know your worth until you realize just how effortless being a heartbreaker really is for you. You’ll notice it with every new text message or phone call you leave unanswered because you just know in your heart that a relationship with the person on the other line would never work out. You’ll notice it with all of the messages or glances you leave unacknowledged because you don’t want to be that one person who feels guilty for leading the other person on.

Now in no way am I saying that you ought to commend yourself for breaking so many poor, innocent hearts over the years. I am, however, asking you to take a moment to really consider all of the hearts you’ve broken unintentionally.

I’m not talking about that one time you cheated on an ex, had a one-night stand with someone, etc. I’m talking about all of those times where you didn’t think you were breaking someone else’s heart by attempting to convey the message that you just didn’t feel the same way about them that they did about you.

It shouldn’t take but recounting a few of those memories for you to realize you’re someone worth being pursued.